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New idea.... problem

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I've been working on a multiplayer map, and I want to add a feature where your rating can be shown and used by other triggers, so I thought I could display it as a hint but the problem with that is the ding everytime it refreshes, and as for text, only one item can be displayed at a time, so if someone takes a flag it'd all get screwed up, any ideas? And if it's possible, tell me how to do it.

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hey.. arent you that guy they talk about on Counter-Strike radio?

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You might place a logic unit (no matter where) and call it "Info" (without quotes). You can use this unit to display infos via the chat. Example:

Info globalChat "YOU`RE DEAD!"

The good thing is that the name (Info) won´t show up on screen and there´ll be no "ding", just the message shown in the lower left corner, chat-like. I just don´t know if the chat function takes commands like the <format> and stuff but you may try... Nice way to display messages on screen, anyway.

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The format stuff also works for chat-messages.

I'm not sure, but as far as i remember, you can't

use gamelogic's for chat messages.

Rather you could use any unused (far off the scene placed)

civilian unit, telling that message.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In the "on activation" field, what is the name of the object that triggers the action?<span id='postcolor'>

If you are talking about a trigger, it should be "this",

or "thislist select 0".

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Dunno what you mean. You can use it in any trigger (with any conditions you want) or even in a waypoint or script. It´s nothing but a message from the logic unit you created, right? Use it like every other chat message. Got it?

(If you mean the format%something-stuff... can´t help with that, sorry...)

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@ DV Chris Death:

You can! Well, I do it all the time (as explained above)...

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like, lets say a unit walks into a trigger area, which triggers the trigger, now since it was that unit that triggered it, I want him to say something.

Also, when you use the add action, is it possible to set paramenters for the script like you do in [] exec "script.sqs"?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">like, lets say a unit walks into a trigger area, which triggers the trigger, now since it was that unit that triggered it, I want him to say something.

<span id='postcolor'>

Well, if the unit, which activates the trigger mentioned above

should say something, then use:

thislist select 0 globalchat "blabla"


list this select 0 globalchat "blabla"

i can't remember right now, which one of these two versions

is the right one (i'm at work and i can't run ofp there confused.gif )

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Okay, LaserGuidedBunnyRabbit, I got you completely wrong then. And yes, think it should be this one:

thislist select 0 globalChat "GOT YOU WRONG"

(...and try using the "logic-chat-stuff" instead of hints if you like the "ding" as much as I do...) wink.gif

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