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Helicopters in of+ai soldiers = weird&stupidity!

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In RL would small arms fire actually take a hind out of the sky? I can see a lot getting damaged, not working, but to actually fall out of the sky?

That's the problem with OFP, it doesn't really have that fisticated damage model. You can't knock out the optics or render a weapon in-opratable with a lucky shot. It all adds up until it falls out of the sky.


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infantry and armor that actually get a visual on  an attack helo:

1) Are very lucky to be alive

2) Will do all to avoid the attack helo because their odds are VERY LOW vs that attack helo.

3) It's best for them to hide and take hard cover.

if they choose to attack this helo, the helo should break contact then return and engange at long range with rockets and missles.

Tanks and infantry attacking helos will waste a lot of ammo they need to fight other infantry and vehicles.

All vehicles have primary missions and generally should stick to them.

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Redline, you are WRONG!!

How quickly and accurately can you empty an M-16 clip into a Hind passing overhead??

If a whole squad did that, the hind would not know what just shot them out of the air!

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I think RedLine is talking about RL and in that I would agree with him. Infantry engaging an armed attack helicopter would not be a good idea unless it was a last ditch effort. In OFP on the otherhand with your little tests a multiplayer squad would be able to swat a Hind out of the air no problem.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ May 16 2002,17:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Redline, you are WRONG!!

How quickly and accurately can you empty an M-16 clip into a Hind passing overhead??

If a whole squad did that, the hind would not know what just shot them out of the air!<span id='postcolor'>

Ice, I know you tested this, and its great, but think about it. the M16 is a semiautomatic assault rifle, and the Hind can either stand off for its attacks, or come in like gangbusters, at 200 kph plus speeds. How many shots are you ging to squeeze off at a bird going 200, and how many of those are even gonna hit?

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Yeah, but then the HIND's aim is gonna be way off too.

Going at those speeds. So even if I do miss. I can pop some extra rounds and still take it down.

I mean, it's not too slow to fire off a whole clip. You can empty a clip pretty fast.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ May 17 2002,19:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah, but then the HIND's aim is gonna be way off too.

Going at those speeds.  So even if I do miss.  I can pop some extra rounds and still take it down.

I mean, it's not too slow to fire off a whole clip.  You can empty a clip pretty fast.<span id='postcolor'>

Some piss-ant pilots aim might be off... but mine wont be  wink.gif

so watch yer ass, mud humper  tounge.gif

And keep that damn M16 ammo to yerself- its scratching up my paint job biggrin.gif

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Hmmm, I think I've encountered the same problem before but in this case it's the problem is air to air combat. I remember on the mission where you get to fly an Apache (the one where you go to defend Buffallo base) and when I come onto the village next to the Sea and Castle there's a Hind and like the madman I am I focus on nothing else but to take out that Hind!! I order the gunner to lock on the Hind but when I go to select the Hellfire (heat-seeking missile) the lock-on goes off. I fire anyway but the missile just goes in the straight line? so I'm forced to use the mini gun on it. The Hellfire wotks on tanks but it doesn't on helicopters!

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And that makes sense MJR. Gastovski, because Hellfires are AT missiles so you are not supposed to engage air target using them. So only chance is the machinegun (dont' worry it's the same for the Hind) biggrin.gif

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Not sure if this works in OFP, but the Hellfire is actually a half decent AA missile as long as the target isn't manouvering. A longrange Hellfire shot can take out a helicopter that is hovering or moving in a straight line, but the missile isn't designed for sudden course changes so it can't take out an aware air target. But every serious helicopter sim does let you use them against air targets and it seems to be part of the doctern.


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