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Idiotic, newbie, easy to solve problem.

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its gives me an error when I do:

_ab = rating p1;hint ab

ab being a variable and p1 being a soldier, also, how do I do it where it does like:

"Rating: (Whatever ab is)"

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hmmm, well what I want is, lets say, have everyone's ratings displayed, is that possible? Or is it possible to have it displayed as it changes in the mission briefing?

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hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm i doubt it.

AFAIK, you donot have rating function from script/trigger. if you are in a MP game, you could press 'i', but in SP, i don't think so.

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A last question, can you make hints specific to the player? Like for player 1 I want it to display something different than for player 2. If not how do you get a players name?

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You could use titletext ["%1",_ab,"Plain down"]

instead of "down" you could also use "in"

down means it appears at bottom of the screen,

in means it will be faded in at default place (center of screen)

There are even more options, but you'd better have

a look into some tutorials for that.

You could also use this:

player globalchat ["%1",_ab]

The sound of the hint command i think, can only be altered

or hidden, when editing the default game sounds, as satchel,

wright or others did.

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