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BinPBO and OA Clutter RVMAT issue

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Wondering if anyone can help here.

I've included the OA Takistan clutter p3d models in my terrain simply by referencing their namespace (i.e. ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_GrassDryLong_EP1.p3d) in my clutter config.

When I use BinPBO to binarize the map I get the following issue:

Warning: Embedded material ca\plants_e\clutter\data\c_grass_bunch_01.rvmat differs - repack data

source used: ca\plants_e\clutter\c_grassdrylong_ep1.p3d

source ignored: ca\plants_e\clutter\c_grassgreen_ep1.p3d

hint: ca\plants_e\clutter\c_grassdrylong_ep1.p3d is older

I have this issue on the following rvmat files:




EDIT: Fixed this issue above by simply removing those p3d files and using clutter from Arma 2 that did not feature these rvmats.

The result is that only 1 of my clutter definitions displays in game. For example:

class QMMountainsClutter


probability[] = {0.1,0.05,0.01,0.01,0.01};

names[] = {"QM_BrushHard","QM_BrushSoft","QM_PlantsWhite","QM_WeedThistle","QM_PlantsViolet"};


works where as:

class QMDesertClutter


probability[] = {0.06,0.05,0.005,0.005};

names[] = {"QM_BrushSoft","QM_BrushHard","QM_PlantsWhite","QM_WeedThistle"};


doesn't work.

EDIT: This issue above was not related to the config file. I was using rvmats from takistan and they were pointing at textures that I had renamed. By editing the rvmats to point at my new textures, the clutter appeared. Clutter is applied on a filter based on the texture/rvmat file name for example tk_skala_*. So, kind fixed for now!



Edited by Tupolov

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