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AI spotting range in M2 machine gun

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Not sure if this thing has been already discussed but I noticed when AI mans M2 (probably other statics as well) it cannot see enemy unless its 100 meters away, even if they are fired at they still don't react. Am I the only one having this? Tested this issue in various circumstances ended up putting 5 M2's on one end of the runway and a bunch of OPFOR on the other, when OPFOR comes close enough and starts shooting at M2's they're just standing there not even changing direction... I'm running patch 1.54 and tested this without any addons so I guess that's a game issue... So is there any kind of fix for that?

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Static weapons are generally shit. They are ornamental except for the machinegunners nest, which is a pain to handle because the textures like to disappear, leaving you with a blob instead of a person to shoot at.

Zeus AI is a must. Coupled with a spotter static weapons will engage out to 800 meters at least, and gladly return fire.

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As maturin notes the easiest fix is to make sure that the Static gunner is part of a group. That way the gunner will have a whole bunch of extra eyes looking for baddies. (you might regret it in fact!)


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