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Any Video Making Guides

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Hi all,

Im trying to make my own videos for Arma2, does anyone have any good guides to create my own videos?


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I've taken a look at the guide and I can't find the thing I'm looking for, maybe one of you can help?

I want to enable thermal vision in a camera scene. I'm using a TV Sniper and I've got the camera to go into first person mode on my sniper but it only displays the reticule but it doesn't zoom in or display the thermal screen. In other words, it switches to first person but it isn't as though you're looking through the scope, you just have an aiming reticule inprinted onto your eye.

Anyone got any ideas?

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I think it's a fairly new command. I don't see it documented on the biki yet.

true setCamUseTi 0;

true sets it on, change it to false to set it off. The 0 is the color mode. They are listed here:


And thanks for the question, I didn't know about this until you asked :) I remembered the AC130 by LurchiDerLurch uses TI, so I looked at his script and found this command, which I then searched the forums and found.

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You have no idea how pleased this is making me! Thanks for the help, I'll let you know if it works.


Well it works, but my first person part of the script is made redundant. Is there any way that I can overlay the aiming reticule of an AS50 sniper onto my camera along with the thermal vision in a camera script?

The entire script is here:

titlecut ["",BLACK IN",5]
_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]

;=== 18:44:14
_camera camPrepareTarget [88398.89,-48778.31,-169.77]
_camera camPreparePos [5295.02,6718.12,1.28]
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700
_camera camCommitPrepared 0
@camCommitted _camera

[color="Orange"];=== 18:42:13
_camera camPrepareTarget [69236.15,-70133.16,-3349.08]
_camera camPreparePos [5267.92,6663.28,0.20]
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.241
_camera camCommitPrepared 15
@camCommitted _camera[/color]

[color="Blue"];=== 18:47:32
unit switchCamera "gunner"
true setCamUseTi 0[/color]

player cameraeffect ["terminate","back"]
camdestroy _camera
end1 = true

The problem is that the thermal vision starts on the orange bit, rather than the blue bit, and I haven't got a clue why. So, as a solution, if I can get the "picture" of the aimining reticule then I can overlay that on my camera, combine it with the thermal vision and do it all manualy.

Any help? :)

Edited by Bashkire

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Would that be like the effect at the end of Operation Arrowhead's intro mission, with the Aziz failed assassination? Exception with thermal added of course.

You may want to depbo the CE0 mission of the missions_e.pbo. In Description.ext, they define 2 resources (although it could be done in one). I probably shouldn't paste their scripts in here, but if you depbo it, look for class svd, and class RscObjectSVD.

The crosshair is located at \ca\weapons\optika_snpiere.p3d. If you open the weapons.pbo, you'll see that in the root directory. That's an SVD sight. There is another called optika_sniperw.p3d that you may want to try, I haven't seen it, assume w for west.

Finally, the file sceneExecutionFailedCameraFunctions.sqf (in the CE0 mission) has the camera functions. Line 25 is:

3000 cutrsc ["svd","PLAIN"];

That puts the svd resource at layer 3000, which means it should cover anything else hopefully. I did modify and test CE0, the thermal works. The outer black area is a deep red, but I'm ok with that.

Oh yeah, I have no idea if there's an AS50 sight. No idea how to depbo BAF, if that's even possible.

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Nah, anoyingly the BAF stuff can't be depbo'd but I think it uses the same reticule as the MK 17 RCO TWS thingumy, I don't know it off by heart.

And yeah, I think it is. I completely forgot about that intro, I'll take a look at it. Thanks again for all your help, here's hoping I don't need too much more!

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