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evans d [16aa]

Enabling Thermal Vision

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Ok, a continuation from my earlier thread because no one responded to it and I know better than to wait (hope no one minds, but it's also easier for to find things perversly).

Anywho, I've now got my "scope mode" to work in the camera! Hooray!

On another note; it isn't in thermal mode like it's supposed to be... Boo!

Can someone tell me the secret of getting it to show up as a thermal scope?

My script so far so you can see what I'm up to.

titlecut ["",BLACK IN",5]
_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]

;=== 18:44:14
_camera camPrepareTarget [88398.89,-48778.31,-169.77]
_camera camPreparePos [5295.02,6718.12,1.28]
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700
_camera camCommitPrepared 0
@camCommitted _camera

;=== 18:42:13
_camera camPrepareTarget [69236.15,-70133.16,-3349.08]
_camera camPreparePos [5267.92,6663.28,0.20]
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.241
_camera camCommitPrepared 15
@camCommitted _camera


unit switchCamera "gunner"


player cameraeffect ["terminate","back"]
camdestroy _camera
end1 = true;

Also, if you want to answer it, the 5 seccond time out after the camera switches to first person view doesn't work. Am I doing something horribly wrong with my code that's stopping it from working?

Thanks all!

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camUseNVG can be used to turn on night vision in your cutscene. I don't know how to activate thermal though. Remember, when you are taking photos with "camera.sqs" you are pretty much making a record of that exact location on the map with the zoom and angle that you adjusted to. When you execute your pictures you will only see whatever is on the map as you cycle through each shot. For example, you could have taken the photo at night while it was raining and with thermal on, but when you run those on your actual mission it could be sunny and whatever you place on the map that you can see from the shots you took, you will see. Thermal and nightvision and all the other modes are just to help you see better and navigate better through the map while your taking pictures with "camera.sqs" it does not necessarily mean that is what you will see when you execute the pics. That is why your pictures are not showing up in thermal vision. This is more helpful than you might think or than I first thought. It allows you to manipulate that picture and use it for many different types of mission. If the shot you took was permanently in NVG then it couldn't work for anything else other than a night op, see what I mean? You have a switchCamera command that is not working, I am actually trying to figiure this out myself as well, I think it might be something with the time delay you've got there. I've got it work in the past with just this:

unit switchCamera "Internal"
goto "loop"

#loop and goto "loop" force the script to continue executing. This is probably why your method is not working, the delay may not necessarily mean that it continues to execute that script (I've tried your method too). As for how to end the cutscene, I have had a lot of grief with using the "intro/outro" thing in the editor (I couldn't figiure out how to go back to the player in the mission). So what I would recommend is that you place all your units for the cutscene in the mission section of the editor (this is just the section that automatically opens up when you begin the editor). At the end of your script place:

Player cameraEffect ["terminate", "back"]
camDestroy _camera
titlecut [" ","BLACK IN", 2]

Worked for me, hope it works for you. You could then delete all the junk that was part of the cutscene that you no longer want in the mission using deleteVehicle. If any of this stuff doesn't work ask someone with better knowledge of it than me, because this is truly the extent of my knowledge; I'm still very new to this, just a lowly first class private :)

Edited by undercoverbrother

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Nah, I should've posted something here earlier. I've got a solution, but it requires the AS50 Thermal sniper aiming reticule texture (same as the MK17 ELGM RCO TWS thing if you can help me find it :D ). I'm going to forget about using first person, and just create a camera with thermal on (code to follow) and the aiming reticule over it and survey the compound manualy pretending to be the sniper rather than a disembodied camera.

With luck it'll all go well.

To enable thermal vision/FLIR/heat vision you need this in your camera scene:

true setCamUseTi 0

The number (in this case 0) dfines what sort of thermal vision it is:

0 = White Hot
1 = Black Hot
2 = Light Green Hot / Darker Green cold
3 = Black Hot / Darker Green cold
4 = Light Red Hot /Darker Red Cold
5 = Black Hot / Darker Red Cold
6 = White Hot . Darker Red Col
7 = Thermal (Shade of Red and Green, Bodys are white)

Hope this helps people and if someone can return the favour by telling me how to find that texture then I'd be very greatfull!

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No no, your input was very useful, it's just that I have that idea so it's easier to carry out the way I want.

Thanks again!


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The thermal command

true setCamUseTi 0

Gives me an extreme, black and white only, thermal image. Not the nice gradient images scene from the TWS scopes or FLIR pods of the aircraft. Is that normal? Is there a way to adjust the brightness?

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