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Thanks for the new "global" set of inventory commands

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Not documented yet (anyone guess that already? :)), but the new commands addBackpackCargoGlobal, addMagazineCargoGlobal, addWeaponCargoGlobal, clearBackpackCargoGlobal, clearMagazineCargoGlobal, and clearWeaponCargoGlobal is a life saver. I intercepted the ammo crates placed by objectMapper function (compositions) on dedi server (cleared and restocked with custom contents), and contents are now (apparently, not tested in full) synchronized. Rejoin later and see contents gone.

Finally :) No more ugly setVehicleInits and processInitCommands to achieve some of this. Hopefully no more items in crates that you can't pick up.

Thanks, thanks, and thanks... :bounce3:

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Yay - no local crates!!

Good work CG. Have you checked the impact on network yet though?

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No, I'm not many enough to check :p But I expect it to be easier on lag then setVehicleInit and processInitCommands. I'll still use local crates though for the most part. Gives player a place to store his found item, and easily controls what the player can get. Don't need this level of control on structured and organized players, but for thieving pubbers it's a necessity :(

So in the "player crates" the stuff they get is easy to obtain, but according to their slot/role. Fancier equipment is available, but harder to get to, and serves as a backup plan for the early joiners who may have to go solo for a while. This way I don't have to enforce "no you can't use this weapon", but instead "you can use anything but it won't be easily accessible and ammo will be hard to come by". Teamwork provides easy solutions. Going solo you have to work more for it, and typically I spend a few minutes loading up MHQ (which has limited space) with needed stuff when I'm alone. So going for realism where not everyone is a MAAWS guy, there is still some flexibility especially during startup.

I've done the same thing on backpacks, but haven't verified it works yet. Before I could pick the AT Asst class and get backpack of 4 MAAWS rockets, however the AT Gunner would in my backpack see 2 Javelin missiles. And due to no models on the MAAWS, they would often just disappear when put on the ground. Hopefully it works :p

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