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How to switch from intro to player

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g'day guys,

I have created an intro using camer.sqs and I have saved it to my Mission folder as RunCUTSCENE1.sqf. In my mission editor I opened the intro mode by clicking the box in the top right corner of the screen and placed a player controlled character with all the other bits and pieces that make up the intro. The player controlled charcater in the intro is what I use to execute my cutscene; he has this exec RunCUTSCENE1.sqf in his init field.

For simplicities sake I have cut out most of the pictures in the cutscene.

;=== 20:17:07
_camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]
_camera camPrepareTarget [-76329.51,-56503.08,-63.87]
_camera camPreparePos [3381.24,3880.66,1.34]
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700
_camera camCommitPrepared 0
_camera cameraEffect ["internal", "back"]
@camCommitted _camera

;=== 20:19:33
_camera camPrepareTarget [60320.04,86086.62,-98.88]
_camera camPreparePos [3420.99,3854.94,10.56]
_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700
_camera camCommitPrepared 25
@camCommitted _camera

player cameraEffect ["Terminate","back"]
camDestroy _camera

I also have a player controlled character in the mission mode of the editor (hes chillin in a c130 3000 ft above the ground, with a scar mk16 mod 0, just waiting to kick some ass) but I can't get back to him. When the last camera shot finishes playing nothing happens the screen remains completely static and I have to quit using the game menu. Please, Please, PLEASE someone help me with this. I have been working on it on and off for almost a month now; also I have searched every single possible post, video, tutorial and website on this topic and I have tried about a hundred different approaches and none of them work. Ive been up all night working on this I gotta go get some sleep, so I might not be able to answer any questions straight away.

thanks in advance,

Edited by undercoverbrother

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Two things:

  • Create a file called initIntro.sqf and put the intro inside of it. You wont need to call it anymore.
  • Use EndMission command to end the intro and go to the mission.


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I tried both steps you wrote here and I still can't get this to work. Naming the file "initIntro" did not mean I did not need to call it anymore and using "endMission" takes me right back to the editor. I can't this thing to work, c'mon someone has to know how to do this.

Edited by undercoverbrother

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EndMission in the intro will only properly work when played as a Single Player Scenario. It doesn't work from the Editor.

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I tried both steps you wrote here and I still can't get this to work. Naming the file "initIntro" did not mean I did not need to call it anymore and using "endMission" takes me right back to the editor. I can't this thing to work, c'mon someone has to know how to do this.

I belive I just told you how to do it.

Anyway, good luck.


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The two people above me have much more knowledge with scripting than me, but I'll try to help anyways...

Have you tried placing this exec RunCUTSCENE1.sqf in a non playable unit?

Maybe add end1=true; after camdestroy -camera in your intro

_camera cameraeffect ["terminate","back"]
camdestroy _camera

Just thought I'd throw that out there, good luck.

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