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How to force A10 fire Hydra?

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I use fire command on A10 and force it drop GBU and fire canno, it all worked. But when I force it to fire Hydra, it doesn't, what's the matter with it?:j:

A10 fire "FFARLauncher_14" //Result is it did nothing

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I just ran into this same thing the other day. Almost pulled my hair out.

If selectWeapon doesn't help (sure didn't help me), then try the "action" command, with the "UseWeapon" subcommand. You have to invoke it with a Game Logic for some weird reason (anyhow it's per the spec). Also beware, the "weapon index" is ALL the possible fire modes, including the AI-only ones. You may have to check out cfgWeapons to see what you list of modes will be, or just try a bunch of different values (some of which will be AI bursts of various lengths).

Anyhow, in my experience, if you can't get something firing with "fire", it will pretty much always work with "action" ("useWeapon"). ;)

Edited by MadRussian

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I just ran into this same thing the other day. Almost pulled my hair out.

If selectWeapon doesn't help (sure didn't help me), then try the "action" command, with the "UseWeapon" subcommand. You have to invoke it with a Game Logic for some weird reason (anyhow it's per the spec). Also beware, the "weapon index" is ALL the possible fire modes, including the AI-only ones. You may have to check out cfgWeapons to see what you list of modes will be, or just try a bunch of different values (some of which will be AI bursts of various lengths).

Anyhow, in my experience, if you can't get something firing with "fire", it will pretty much always work with "action" ("useWeapon"). ;)

Thanks, I'll try it again.

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