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Adding fired eventhandler to another player's unit

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Adding a fired eventhandler to another player's unit works until they respawn, after which you can add all the fired eventhandlers you want but none of them will work.

For clarification, i wish to add a fired eventhandler to another players avatar, i.e. player1 and player2 are in game, player1 would like to know whenever player2 fires their weapon. Adding a fired eventhandler to player2 from player1's game works until player2 respawns, in which case adding fired eventhandlers to player2 from player1's game does nothing.

The reason i am trying to do the above is to change the effects that come out of a gun when it is fired (for a mission i'm working on), for example making your gun shoot lightning and lasers beams etc. I have already successfully implemented these effects locally for the player, and have them appear for other players when that player triggers a fired eventhandler, but i can't get them to show up for other players when that player respawns, for the aforementioned reason.

i hope i've made myself clear, its a bit of a tricky issue to explain, was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue or knows a workaround. i assume BIS implemented muzzle flashes via fired eventhandlers for each player? or is that handled internally? Basically all i am trying to achieve here is to add particle effects to the weapon muzzle everytime it is fired, on each machine (as particle effects are always local).

perhaps a MPFired eventhandler is needed?

oh and btw, i am aware that i could broadcast to other clients whenever the player unit fires, but i think broadcasting a fired event over the network everytime the player fires a shot would create some bandwidth issues :p

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Well, if it works until respawn, then maybe the problem isn't what the EH does, but is it run at all?

How/where do you readd the EH and have you tried with a simple hint or diag_log that it's actually firing?

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adding it via:

onKeyPress = { 
_key     = _this select 1; 
_handled = false;
switch _key do { 		
	case 20: {
		if (!alive cursorTarget) exitWith { deleteVehicle cursorTarget };
		player groupchat str cursorTarget;
		cursorTarget addEventHandler ["fired", {
			_unit = _this select 0;
			player groupchat format["%1 fired", _unit];	

waitUntil { !(isNull (findDisplay 46)) }; 
(findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this call onKeyPress"];

So basically i can add it to any unit i want, whenever, as long as that unit is revealed and in my crosshairs. i also tried adding it to the units via triggers and via respawn eventhandlers for the unit that then broadcast the code to all other players etc, theres a million ways to do it and none of them have worked.

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What about somthing like this maybe link it to a functions that will run EH script im not sure im a newbie:butbut:?


// this addEventHandler ["killed", {null0 = [] execVM "resync.sqf"}];<-----each unit init

//wait for player respawn

waitUntil {alive player};

EH_1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player1];

EH_1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player2];

EH_1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player3];

EH_1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player4];

EH_1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [player5];

EH_1 synchronizeObjectsAdd [playeretc];

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Just tested like this, seemed to work:

fncAddEH = { _this addeventhandler ["fired",{(_this select 0) call fncDoEH}]; };
fncDoEH = { player sidechat format["%1 fired",_this] };
"addEH" addpublicvariableeventhandler { (_this select 1) call fncAddEH; };
 _x call fncAddEH;
 _x addeventhandler ["respawn",{addEH = (_this select 0); publicvariable "addEH"}];
} foreach playableunits;


You could also use the MPRespawn I guess.

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Just tested and that does not work either. I assume you tried it with a playable ai unit? it works fine with ai but not with actual human players. In case you're wondering i run two instances of arma on the same machine and have them both join a local game (one of the copies needs to have an invalid cdkey to avoid "cd key in use" error), in order to test with "multiple" players.

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Tested on dedi with a friend. I got sidechat message about remote unit firing, even after we both had died few times.

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damnit, i can't get it to work. Just tried on a dedi too :/. Maybe trying it with two instances of arma on the one machine is the problem.

Cheers for going out of your way to help shk, it is greatly appreciated. I will have to test this at some stage with an actual other player.

btw sorry about the late reply i went out.

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just tested it and I get the chat message that I have fired while in MP. If you are testing in SP editor maybe thats why you dont see the message?

How would I go about using this in perhaps only a certain area? Would it work in a trigger and change "} foreach playableunits in thislist;" ?(I have no scripting knowledge other than the search button). Also I would like to trigger a script that we be a simple waypoint to search and destroy the unit that fired

_unit = _this select 0;
_group = group _unit;

_waypoint0 = _group addwaypoint[ARMY,0];
_waypoint0 setwaypointtype"SAD"; 
_waypoint0 setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
_waypoint0 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";

or the building patrol script.

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_EHfirednear1 = this addEventHandler ["firednear", {_this exec "firednear.sqs"}]

This seems to work in the init of a unit.

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