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Disabling weapon sounds - Spawning lots of bombs

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Hello there, I'm bussy with a CBU script and I ran in a few problems concerning blast radius. There are either 2 things I can do:

1. A massive amount of smaller 'soundless' bullets like the B_30mmA10_AP (without ACEX_SM that is)

2. Using bigger bomblets with more space between eachother

However, here come the problems:

1. Creating more than 200 30mm rounds causes well notable stuttering, and 1300 of them makes the whole game lag (using noTracer_ball ammo has the same effect, so I guess it has to with the amount of calculations rather than graphical power)

2. Detonating a large amount of bigger 'booming' bomblets at the same time or quickly after eachother creates a very strange, echoing and mostly annoying sound

So does anyone know a way to solve this problem? Is there a way to spawn a massive amount of smaller bullets? Or is there a way to disable the sounds of the bigger bombs by creating an init line for each of them and have just a few go off?

:confused: (I would prefer option 1 since that looks much better)

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The short answer is "no." You can try placing a short delay between each bullet creation, but 1300 simultaneous ballistics calculations is probably going to be slow no matter what. That's a lot of math.

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Explode maybe 20 of them and setDamage 1 everything near it instead of some crazy 1300 thing. The end effect will be better than the "realism" no one will actually see due to their PCs melting. :)

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Yeah that one was another option I was thinking about, that way the bullet density wouldn't have to be as tight in order to 'kill'. But how do you detect player (on foot!) in the blast area and set their damage to 1?

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Another thing I wanted for my CBU is for it some kind of explode mid-air and I've spend quite some time trying to create a freaking particle but all without luck so that's gonna be a hard one. :(

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