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Affecting AI weapon selection?!?

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Anyone know which specific values in the config govern which weapon the AI will select against a given target?

So I've been pouring over the configs and biki for a few here and did some searches. I found the minRangeProbab, midRangeProbab, and maxRangeProbab, but these three along with aiRateOfFire and aiRateOfFireDistance seem to govern burst frequency and number of rounds per burst. What about which weapon the AI will select in the first place?

Couple of examples of what I'm getting at here:

1. Where in the config to change the likelihood of an AI firing a RPG at a foot soldier?

2. Where in the config does it specify that soldiers don't shoot bullets or throw hand grenades at armored tanks? (i.e. Knowing this would enable creating, for example, those explosive bundles that Russians foot soldiers threw at tanks on the Eastern Front during WW2. I recall this being possible in a WW2 mod for OFP. btw- Anyone recall which one? )

Any assistance greatly appreciated as always. :)

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Cost-gain evaluation is performed to choose an appropriate weapon. Gain includes self-preservation, cost includes time required to complete the attack.

As a result, weapons with high cost are unlikely to be used again common targets, esp. when low cost weapons are available. Still, there may be situation where AI may decide to use high cost weapon, esp. when it thinks it has little chance of survival and needs to attempt destroying enemy quickly.

Sounds like you might have nailed it. Thanks! :)

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