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Editing existing missions?

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Now, before anybody goes "use search" i have, but any threads ive found are over 4 months old, and the rules say not to post in threads over 4 months old, and the threads i found didn't really help a whole lot. I have pboview, and i want to see any mission in the editor (for example, trial by fire). how would i go about this?

Thanks for any help.

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This is the main reason I got PBOView for... that and ripping scripts.

Here's the way to do it!

1: Open PBOView and click open (it looks like a folder with an arrow at the top left of the window).

2: Find the PBO "Trial by Fire" (it'll probally be somewhere like ArmA II\addons\trialbyfire. It came with the game so it won't be in the missions folder).

3: Double click on it and hey presto! You can see everything in that PBO.

4: If you then want to rip everything out of the PBO you click unpack (the box with an arrow pointing up in the top left of the window).

5: Specify where you want it to be saved, I suggest your ArmA II profile folder so you can access it imedietly in the editor (it'll be something like "Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\**USERNAME**\missions") and remember to save it with ".islandname" at the end (where island name is the name of the island that it was made on)).

Hope you can find what you need with this, if I haven't been clear PM me or reply to this and I'll help you through anything you need. I would upload pictures but it takes forever to upload them for some reason. I can if it'd help and my instructions don't mean a thing :)

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Just to clarify the previous, all BIS missions are in the "missions.pbo" (for A2). For Arrowhead missions, it would be in expansions under "missions_e.pbo". Trial By Fire would be in the first one I mentioned.

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ok thank you very much. ill try it ASAP.

@AZCoder - ive tried to open OA pbo's, and it seems that BIS changed the format of them because it says they're not arma files.

---------- Post added at 08:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ----------

OK, i did it, but when i try openeing it in the editer, it says its read only, i have treid setting it to not read only, and i go back to properties after applying the change, and it says its still read only :(

Edited by Redrumsalad

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Yep, on the OA missions, I have to use another tool like Eliteness.

The read only error is normally caused by the wrong base folder. When you depbo missions, you should have a bunch of folders in there like armory, bootcamp, etc. Go into Scenarios, copy the SP_TrialByFire.utes folder, then paste it into your user profile missions folder.

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thats exactly what i did :(

EDIT: OK, nevermind that, I forgot i made a folder that was named the exact same thing as the mission, so i moved the real mission folder to the right spot, deleted the other one, tried it and it worked! thanks everyone.

but another question, what about moving OA missions or maps to arma 2?

Edited by Redrumsalad

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