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Trigger condition for task

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I have a trigger that calls a script to complete a task when player is present..

What can i put in the condition of the trigger so its only activated if task is current

Ive tried things like tskname = true etc but nothing seems to work

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Katipo66: If I read you right, you're asking how to create tasks and have them be completed in the task list. To do that you need to learn about Briefing creation. A simple way to get the idea for that is the Briefing Manager app by Alimag. You can search for it in downloads at Armaholic.com.

Then you combine a trigger that checks for the completion of each task and sets the condition to "succeeded" or "failed" as desired.

This isn't real hard, but there's stuff for you to learn to get it.

Try searching YouTube for Arma2 tutorials on a topic like this.

might be helpful.

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Trigger Condition:

this && taskState tskTaskName == "Assigned"

Then you combine a trigger that checks for the completion of each task and sets the condition to "succeeded" or "failed" as desired. This isn't real hard, but there's stuff for you to learn to get it.

That's what he was asking how to do. :)

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Thanks Kylania... that worked perfect, actually ive used your kill the girl not the goat example for my mission, and ill probably use some others, your website is a great resource.

At Lucky44.. i downloaded Briefing Manager, looks cool

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