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Help configuring the SOM

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I want the SOM to do the following:

-Chopper insertion/evac

-Artillery (smoke, illuminate, HE)


so far i have the som working with a mi-8 and it works great,

this is what i have:


// Initilize the system.
waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}};
SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

// Put this in the init field of your SOM module to prevent any random things from happening, only what we declare above will be available.
// this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]];

// Grant the player access to Transport.
[["transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

// Set Variables for the SOM module, named SOM in this case.
SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", t1];  // t1 is the preplaced unit that will be used for transport.  Comment this line out to use default Huey.
SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];  // Commands allowed by the transport vehicle.
SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];  // Defaut landing zone, will be set via map click after pickup.

// Transport vehicle settings.
t1 setVariable ["supPool", [p1], TRUE]; // p1 is the unit that can use this.
t1 setVariable ["supPhase", 0, TRUE];  // Default variable for what phase of transport it's on.
t1 setVariable ["onMission", objNull, TRUE];  // Default variable for it it's busy or not.
t1 setVariable ["stuck", FALSE, TRUE]; // Default variable for if it's stuck or not


name: SOM

init: this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]];

but how do i add the airstrike and artillery?

i have read the documentation and downloaded some examples, but i just cant get the arty and airstrike added to it.

thanks for your help.

ALSO: is it possible to add a new thing to the communication menu, such as 'MI 24 support' instead of the radio menu (just to have all support options in one place)

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Put in your init.sqf file. (You don't need to put anything in the init box of the SOM. Just name the SOM, SOM.

waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}};
SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

SOM setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]];

[["tactical_airstrike", "artillery_barrage", "transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", Helo_Transport];	// 'Helo_Transport' is the preplaced unit that will be used for transport.  Comment this line out to use default Huey.
SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];		// Commands allowed by the transport vehicle.
SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];			// Defaut landing zone, will be set via map click after pickup.

Helo_Transport setVariable ["supPool", [player], TRUE];		// 'player' is the unit that can use this.
Helo_Transport setVariable ["supPhase", 0, TRUE];		// Default variable for what phase of transport it's on.
Helo_Transport setVariable ["onMission", objNull, TRUE];		// Default variable for it it's busy or not.
Helo_Transport setVariable ["stuck", FALSE, TRUE];		// Default variable for if it's stuck or not

Here is a little more. Arma 2 OA US Army custom transport example, with SOM example.

Also, the support requests will be listed together in the 'Communication' menu.

EDIT NOTE: Notice 'player' and 'Helo_Transport'.

Edited by CyOp

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Ty CyOp,

-is there a way a can use a in-game d-30 battery for the artillery, ive checked the wiki and there are some instruction but i cant get it to work.

-Also, the airstrike spawns 2 su-25's but they just fly around the target area and wont drop bombs on my laser marker - is there a way i can replace these with the airstrike from the simple support module or add bombs to them?

basicly i need

-the transport from the som

-physical arty

-airstrike from ssm


Edited by Grimfist

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I'll bet you're 'grim'n your fist' at editing, huh? :p

The arty instructions are pretty simple. (No insult intended.) If you already have everything setup, you can try loading a magazine (for that arty type) in the init of the arty. Also, look for an Arma 2 artillery tutorial video on the Internet.

The SOM and the SSM will not function together properly. There are menu conflicts.

I am assuming you have Combined Operations? Anyway, give more detail about your mission, factions at least, and what you play as, and I will try and give you a template. Or, just send me the mission (upload it)... EDIT... unless it has a bunch of mods/addons, then sorry, I will not be able to do the previously stated.

Edited by CyOp

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I'll bet you're 'grim'n your fist' at editing, huh?

lol :D

Ty for help CyOp

well, this is an outline of the mission:


Basically I am trying to use the modules instead of scripts as they do everything I need, and once working are flawless. also, the mission is pretty big, and i want to avoid having a massive suite of over complicated support options that wont be utilized.

support options i want to add

transport (Exactly like in the SOM)

Airstike (Exactly like in the SSM)

Arty - smoke illume and HE (like in the arty module)

CAS - 2 hinds that come and kill stuff, then RTB (have that script already)


radio alpha:call chopper - this activates som

radio brovo: stop the som, and add in SSM

radio charlie: activate the artillery

could this stop comms menu confict?

if this is just not possible then i will resort to just using scripts from the radio menu the old fashioned way.

Edited by Grimfist

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"support options i want to add"

transport (Exactly like in the SOM)

- You have that, right? You need OPFOR helo? So, a placed unit. ... Hint... using an empty helo, then placing pilot and crew, will give you more 'control', since you can dictate unit behavior and mode separately, even separate from waypoint behavior and mode.

Airstrike (Exactly like in the SSM)

- Again, using the SOM the SSM together cause menu conflicts. However, it can be scripted. Maybe this thread will help you. Didn't you try the CAS in the mission I sent you? It works fine. If while you were testing, you called CAS, and there was no enemy target, that may be why the AI just flew around.

Arty - smoke illume and HE (like in the arty module)

- Same thing, in the SOM. Now, you can set up a physical artillery battery (which I have done for you). Someone posted a 'user-made', so to speak, artillery module, or interface, here in the forum. I have no idea where it is, or exactly what it is, but a search should get it for you. You prob do not need that, though.

CAS - 2 hinds that come and kill stuff, then RTB (have that script already)

- Just a hint... script these as two separate scripts. Their movement will be more, well, 'believable'. Or, in the existing script, do not group them.


radio alpha:call chopper - this activates som

radio brovo: stop the som, and add in SSM

- I do not think you can start the SOM, then stop the SOM, then add SSM. BOTH are initialized at mission load, and that is the only time they can be initialized.

radio charlie: activate the artillery

could this stop comms menu confict?

- As far as I know, no. Bare in mind I do not mess with this stuff. I just put this together to try and help. For instance, I played around with the arty module and menu for hours yesterday, thinking I had something wrong, just to find out I had it right all along. Sheeesh!

Also, when you say, "exactly like", that is what someone will think you want. The transport? Exactly like the SOM? Meaning a spawned transport? I guess you just mean the map click function? I setup the transport with the SOM, using a placed helo. (again, you prob should use an empty helo for more 'control'.)

NOTE: I do not have the mods you intend on using, so I just used the Takistani Army. It's easy to change the units, though. Well, anyway, if this helps, Arma 2 OA Takistani Army custom transport example, with physical artillery example, good. (It has the placed arty you wanted, and the CAS works just fine.) If not, maybe someone else can get some use out of it. :)

EDIT: Let me refer back to the SOM and SSM. I believe both can be 'shut down,' so to speak, but they cannot be reinitialized. And, obviously, whatever 'assets' you use with both can be setup to be used only once, or twice, etc. I am sure you know that.

EDIT: I remembered that there was no unit spawning of any kind, so I added an AI SU-25 in a hanger, to make sure the CAS aircraft would spawn. If 'you' already DL'ed the previous file, redownload, or just put an AI SU-25 (without fuel) in a hanger.

Edited by CyOp

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Well, CyOp thank you very much.

-The arty works perfectly.

-The chopper works perfectly

-The CAS planes comes and engages targets and drops bombs (not LGB on map click) but it does its own thing and is very aggressive till most enemy vehicles are dead - which is sort of better in a way and some more realism.

-Thanks for the advice about the hinds - i will un-group them and sort that out.

why it didn't drop bombs with Russians is that the su-25 (39) does not actually have any - just AT missiles, the takistan version of the su-25 has freefall bombs so when it says 'HQ: contact on laser marker', its actually a bug as that would only apply if you are playing as a american (with a10) that actually has a guided bomb.

thanks once again for your time and effort helping me out.

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FYI... I was reupping the missions with proper names, and messed up the files (they were missing the init's, DUH.) Will be corrected in a few minutes.


Edited by CyOp

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