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CO9 Saving Dr. Ryan

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Hi everyone, this is my first mission. 9 man coop mission. Pretty simple, find and rescue a doctor in a Takistani Militia outpost and bring him safely to a U.N. base in Feruz Abad.

Thanks to:

Mike-USA for his Village Outpost

Norrin for his revive script

Kylania for the scripts I got from his website: www.kylania.com/ex/?page_id=72



Any constructive criticism/suggestions are welcome and appreciated. This mission was made in Combined Ops, and I haven't tested it in just OA, but it should work.

Edited by ArmAddict

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sounds like a typical "go there,search and kill,rescue and retreat mission" ... which it is

By typical im talking about the usual no civilian life,no extravagant routes to travel,no tension at all besides the actual fight around the Militia outpost

I highly liked Mike´s Village Outpost script as it pleases the eye and makes sense,the revive script doesnt work for AIs,they respawn on the spot ... which is a known thing

Some things that came to my mind:

- dont mark the IEDs,kinda dumb if you know where a IED is and still keep traveling near them

- add some civilian life to it for atmosphere and brings in a little "look before u fire" playway

- restrict the pass around the villages(hills/mountains,etc) with mine fields (some small,some large),so you r basically forced to stay around the route you placed enemys

- gear isnt remembered when u die,so in my example you got 4 MK17s RCO but you need to pick it up new from the crate everytime u die

- basically make the Area of Operation bigger because it s a teacup range the action takes place,kinda unbelievable to have a Milita Outpost 1000m to Coalition Forces "main" bases

Yea,simple doesnt have to be easy imo - but i felt highly underchallenged in this operation :cool:

None of the less,good 20min *thumbs up*

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