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How to change the RscHint?

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Hey guy's,

well i try to change the "RscHint" ( the box which appear by using the script command "hint" ).

I would like to change the font ( type and size ) and color but so far i had no luck with it...

What i was using so far:

class RscStructuredText
access = 1;
type = 13;
idc = -1;
style = 0;
x = 0;
y = 0;
h = 0.035;
w = 0.1;
text = "";
size = 0.03921;
colorText[] = {0.543,0.5742,0.4102,1.0};
class Attributes
 font = "Zeppelin32";
 color = "#99D678";
 align = "center";
 shadow = 1;

class RscHint
 controls[] = {"Background","Hint"};
 class Background
  x = "(SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX) - (1 - 0.672)";
  y = "0.188 + SafeZoneY";
  w = 0.316;
  h = 0.06;
  colorBackground[] = {0.1882,0.2588,0.149,0.76};
  font = "EtelkaNarrowMediumPro";
  size = 0.034;
 class Hint: RscStructuredText
  x = "(SafeZoneW + SafeZoneX) - (1 - 0.675)";
  y = "0.193 + SafeZoneY";
  w = 0.31;
  h = 0.04;
  size = 0.034;
  colorText[] = {1,0,1,1};
  class Attributes: Attributes
   align = "left";
   color = "#98d577";
class RscTaskHint
 idd = 302;
 movingEnable = 0;
 class controlsBackground
  class Background
   type = 0;
   idc = 103;
   x = 0.3;
   y = "0.22 + SafeZoneY";
   w = 0.4;
   h = 0.06;
   text = "";
   colorBackground[] = {0.1882,0.2588,0.149,0.76};
 class Controls
  class Hint: RscStructuredText
   idc = 104;
   x = 0.354;
   y = "0.231 + SafeZoneY";
   w = 0.34;
   h = 0.04;
   style = 16;
   lineSpacing = 1;
   sizeEx = 0.03921;
   colorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
   colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0};
   font = "Zeppelin32";
   size = 0.03921;
   text = "$STR_DISP_ERROR";
   class Attributes: Attributes
    color = "#ffffff";
    align = "left";
    shadow = 0;
 class TaskIcon
  x = 0.31;
  y = "0.235 + SafeZoneY";
  w = 0.0392157;
  h = 0.0522876;

May i'm editing the wrong part?

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Where did you place the code? Description.ext?

If not.. your are right!;)

And if you place it in a config.cpp (or included file)... what is the content of your "CfgPatch" class ?

To overwrite default Ressources you often need to add

"CAUI" (or CA_UI :j:) to the "requiredAddons[]".

Otherwise your settings often be overwritten by the original values.

It's a good idea to have a look in the ".rpt" file!



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While browsing the config I noticed that RscHint is part of RscInGameUI.

Am I right that simply creating a new class RscHint won't work and that you have to provide a patched RscInGameUI instead?

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Hey guy's. :)

Thanks for the replays. ;)

Well i already get it working but only by using it with a AddOn.

Bevore i tryed it with the "mergeConfigFile" command which did not work... :(


Yes i did/do use the "requiredAddOns" ( "CAUI" "CAData" and "Ca_E" ) ;)

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