g3boy 10 Posted October 17, 2010 (edited) Hi folks, I have a problem with Tajin's sheepbomb script,the script includes 2 SQF files,"baa" and "sheepmove" SQF.But,I changed the sheep to boar,and then it doesn't work,no boar with satchel charge appears.So ,what's wrong?:confused: baa.SQF _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = _this select 1; _muzzle = _this select 2; _mode = _this select 3; _ammo = _this select 4; _shot = player; _pos = []; _vecup = []; _vecdir = []; _speed = []; _new = player; if (_ammo == "PipeBomb") then { sheepbomb = creategroup side _unit; _shot = nearestObject [_unit, _ammo]; sleep 0.005; "sheep" createUnit [getPos _shot,sheepbomb,'mysheep=this',1,'COLONEL']; sleep 0.005; _sheep = mysheep; _sheep setPos (_unit modelToWorld [0,1,0]); _sheep setCaptive true; _sheep setDir getDir _unit; _shot attachTo [_sheep,[0,0.45,0.82]]; _shot setVectorDirAndUp[[1,0,0],[0,1,0.2]]; _sheep doMove (_sheep modelToWorld [0,100+random 100,0]); nul=[_sheep,_unit,_shot] execVM "sheepmove.sqf"; }; *********************************************************************************************************** sheepmove.SQF _sheep = _this select 0; _owner = _this select 1; _bomb = _this select 2; while {alive _sheep} do { _enemy = _owner findNearestEnemy _sheep; if (_enemy distance _sheep < 40) then { _sheep doMove getPos _enemy; _sheep doFollow _enemy; sleep 1; }; if ((!alive _bomb) || (_enemy distance _sheep < 3)) then { _sheep setDamage 1; }; }; _owner action ["TOUCHOFF", _owner]; sleep 5; deleteVehicle _sheep; ************************************************************************************************************ I changed all the sheep to boar in the two SQF files,whs wrong? Thank you dudes. regards Edited October 17, 2010 by g3boy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites