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creating a radio trigger via script?

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Can't seem to get this to work. I want to create a trigger using script so that when the player enters it, he gets an option to radio HOTEL.

_basetrigger = createTrigger ["Switch", _pos];
_basetrigger setTriggerActivation ["HOTEL", "PRESENT", false];
_basetrigger setTriggerArea[100,100,0,false];
_basetrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'trigger on'", "hint 'trigger off'"];

The script runs but when I go to the destination nothing happens?!

Those aren't the final statements just fillers.

_pos is obtained with "_pos = getMarkerPos "BaseMarker1";" I'm pretty sure its not a position 2d/3d issue.

There are WEST forces at this location, whom I don't want to set off the trigger.

Thanks for any advice you can give.

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_basetrigger setTriggerActivation ["HOTEL", "PRESENT", false];

You set the Triggeractivation to "HOTEL", so it will only be triggerd over your action menu (0-0-[NumberofHotel]).

Can't seem to get this to work. I want to create a trigger using script so that when the player enters it, he gets an option to radio HOTEL.
So you need two triggers.

First one, wich checks for player presence.

If this trigger is fired you have to create a second trigger (the one you wrote above).

Got it ?

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Think so!


I'm just curious how you can make a trigger only activate if the player enters the trigger.

Is it "LEADER" (in my mission the player is the leader of the team)?

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Still can't get this to work.

How can I script a trigger that only activates if the player enters?

_pos = getMarkerPos "BaseMarker5";

basetrigger = createTrigger ["SWITCH", _pos];
basetrigger setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false];
basetrigger setTriggerArea[100,100,0,false];
basetrigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "hint 'trigger on'", "hint 'trigger off'"];

Can't even work out how to createTrigger properly. What should I put?

I consider switching to waypoints but they don't even appear at the right position.

Edited by redmotion

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