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setGroupId Issues

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I am using the following code in the initialization field of the squad leader:

{_x moveincargo WHELO1} foreach units group this; WSQD1 = group this; this setgroupId ["ALPHA SQUAD"]

The squad leader is named Alpha.

In the unit selection area the squad leader shows up as "ALPHA SQUAD 1" and the other group members are 2, 3, etc:


But in the game the "ALPHA SQUAD" only shows up in when a unit is injured. If they are just saying something else, it only comes up as "1":


This is for a single player mission - any help would be appreciated as the Biki subject is not providing the answer.


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That's just how it's done.

Within the group, you only need the number to identify you.

Within the side, you also need to squad to identify you.

Within global, I think name of the unit is used instead.

Why would the members of Bravo be interested in knowing that Alpha-1 has target in sight? A medic request on the other hand would be important, as few squads have a medic. Would clutter up the channel. It's quite natural, and I don't think there is anything to do about it. Except for custom chatter, where you control which channel the information is sent on.

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