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OA-Checking in on an old bug

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OA players:

Arma 2 had a sound problem where the sound delay of muzzle reports was spotty and often didn't work. Commonly, the first shot in a sequence would be heard properly, with a time lapse cause by the speed of sound. As a result, the bullet would get there first.

If you were shot at several times or under fire from automatic weapons, however, the muzzle blast sounds would start playing instantly. Sound started moving at the speed of light maybe 6 times out of ten. For me, this is a huge hit to immersion, as I feel like I can just dodge the incoming fire.

Do supersonic cracks from bullets still play out of order in OA, or has this been fixed? There is no longer a ticket regarding this problem on devheaven, so I'm not sure how things stand. OA has been out for a long time now, so someone must have noticed.

If not, type 'player allowdamage false' into the largest box on your unit card and let a sniper shoot at you on the Utest runway.

And if it isn't fixed and BI sorts it out in a beta patch, I will freaking buy OA just for that.

I asked this question about three times in the beta patch section to no avail, so hopefully someone here will know.

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I think I did see something about fixing speed of sound for some things in one of the recent Betas.

I'll check it out l8r and report back.

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I don't see anything like that in the beta changelogs, but I could be wrong.

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if you think there is still some sonci crack bug, please open new CIT ticket

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People have been telling you about this particular bug since some of the early Arma 2 beta patches.

I don't know if it is still there since I don't own Operation Arrowhead.

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