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Missiles and impact

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Hello forum,

Im looking for some kind of script to create random un-guided stingers fire from above. Like a MRLS artillery barrage, just without the MLRS, The stingers also have awesome looking smoke.

now it would be like 180degree from the air around an area.

How i think it could be done would be, that the missile starts on H invisible 1000 meter up and 180degree's down. to make somewhat a little arc.

Tho the impact would be lame if its only stinger effect. Then it could be some trigger that makes a big bomb go off where it lands, hope you understand what i mean, cuz i dont know how to explain it otherwise ;P

The point of this is to make a awesome looking artillery strike, just like in the Eagle wing. I think you notice the missile barrage when you take out that helicopter with a officer on it or what ever.

Thanks in advance :)

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Well, yes something like that, Just soo i can see the actual stripes of the missiles and the barrage from an artillery strike, combined that is :P

I understand if this is too hard to make, i don't know where to start ._.

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Plunking down a virtual Grad launcher via the ARTY module seems like a simple enough solution to this. Set the dispersion to cover a wide area and fire away.

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Hm, how do you set dispersion and that ? I'm new to the arty module, i've only got it working with normal secop and stuff.

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Thank you all for your help :)

---------- Post added at 09:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

Didn't work for me tho, i saw no kinds of stripes. Someone tell me how to please.

Also i will upload a video on youtube , showing the kind of effect im trying to create.


Edited by horton
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Hang on - I'll cobble up a quick and dirty demo mission as an example for ya,

grab it here...

The basics for doing something like this are...

  1. Create 1 or more virtual artillery modules somewhere on your mission map. Name each one ( I use Gun1, Gun2, Gun3, ... Gun9 ).
  2. Create a regular artillery module, name that ( A_Battery ). Synchronise all your virtual guns to this module.
  3. Create a game logic ( I named it HitHere ). This will be your aimpoint.
  4. Create a trigger.
    • Set the radius to 0.
    • Set the condition field to
      not isNil "BIS_ARTY_LOADED"

    • Set the activation field to
      {[_x, "D30"] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetVirtualGun;} forEach [Gun1, Gun2, Gun3, Gun4, Gun5, Gun6, Gun7, Gun8, Gun9];
      [A_battery, true] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetShellSpawn;
      [A_battery, 250] call BIS_ARTY_F_SetDispersion;
      [A_Battery, getPosASL HitHere, ["TIMED", "HE", 0, 600]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;  

When you run it, expect a time delay as the shells fly toward your target. In my mission it's about 105 seconds.

I use D30 howitzers, their shells have the light/smoke streak you like. The dispersion radius is set to 250 meters, use what you like. The last parameter in the BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission call is the duration of the shelling, in my case 600 seconds, again adjust to your liking.

Edited by Evil_Echo

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Thanks ill try it ;P but it seems to me its impossible to get the same effect, cuz the D30 or any other artillery just shows the stripes in the very end. You see in the utube clip that its shown very early ^^

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I'm sorry, your initial question was quite vague about what you were looking for. The demo mission used stock artillery and virtual guns merely because that seemed to be the easiest technique for a novice to use, not the most complete.

Naturally, the ability to improve on the SFX changes dramatically if you use non-virtual guns, enhanced scripting, or addons/mods.

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Okay, well thanks for the help. Ill try fixin something :P

Edited by horton

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