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Independently use a specific addon from a Mod

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Is it possible to use an addon independently from a bigger mod? For example, I would really like to use the UAV from the FDF mod without actually having to play the FDF mod. Is there some way I can "rip" this specific addon from FDF and use it in another mod?


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It is possible, but it's not easy, and it's not... legal in this community.

Nonetheless, FDF has it's own config.bin, you need to decode this file, take part of VehiclesCfg which describes UAV and put it as config.cpp in .pbo file with all other files which create UAV (models, textures, scripts). If all directories are OK it should work. But FDF's UAV uses models and textures of FDF's truck (so you'd have to take it also) and probably some other scripts...

Maybe it would be easier to ask FDF guys to help you with it?

EDIT: But it may be possible that everything about UAV is in on .pbo. So you'll need only permission to release it independently.

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It is possible, but it's not easy, and it's not... legal in this community.

Well, for personal usage only its possible.


Maybe it would be easier to ask FDF guys to help you with it?

Which is very unlikely, as they moved to ArmA2 now, and aren't really fond of sharing their stuff, even OFP ones.

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