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Wanting east ai. to escape?

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Hello. I have general cuba and his beautiful secretary Angelina ai.(whom by the way has a very masculine voice) hiding in a 2nd story house... l am trying to get them to escape by uaz when the resistance (me) gets close. I have them in careless mode, staring at each other, tried waypoints and triggers, getin, load etc. but they just stand there staring glassy eyed at each other....any suggestions....... confused.gif

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if they're inside the building they're probably "confused" and shouting negative at eachother. try putting them outside and test it.

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thanks... does not work just outside the building either, but if l put them elsewhere it seems to work.

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I think you put out dummy objects general and Angelina. I guess you have done that because there are some editor addons that have dummy persons too.

just a thought

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