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JIP: Team balance?

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Hello editorholics :p

I've searched the forum for something that could balance teams in a mission, for example: When someone joins the server and it's like 7x5 it would lock hoing the team with 7 players. Since most people tend to join BLUFOR our TvT missions gets unbalanced real quickly.

I think that AAS maps already have something like that, anyone knows a script or a solution for that?


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Locality is the biggest issue here.

I am not sure with it BUT I would try the following.

Counters for both sides that are updated on each player join.

- Also keeping track of which units are already in use.

Then if it's unbalanced - Use


to assign the player to a NOT used unit from the other side.

Locality may ruin this idea but its worth a try I guess.

Check the biki though cause this

A working implementation can be found at A&S ProMode dev-heaven repo, acc guest, pw guest or at pastebin.

Be careful to learn all the pitfalls and things you need to take into consideration to have this working in MP.

AT the bottom

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Hey Joshii, thanks for your reply..

I've read that a couple times but it's beyond my editing knowledge I guess.. I don't know how to create something to balance teams with selectplayer command.

From what I understood what that AAS script does is that it changes the unit's skin according to it's class, another interesting feature for selectplayer. I know there is sonething else in AAS that keeps players balanced, we play on our server with no problems at all, trying our missions in 30 minutes of gametime the teams are already messed up =|

I'm pretty sure there is a simple solution or script for this, since it's necessary for any TvT mission.


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I've tried editing the description.ext with playerCountMultipleOf = 2, but it doesn't seem to work in Arma2..

From BIS Wiki:


playerCountMultipleOf was introduced in OFP:Elite, the game server would set the maximum amount of players based on bandwidth and eventually this parameter. The default is 2, so it means the mission will try to balance the game to multiples of 2 (2 vs 2, 4 vs 4, etc.) and you did not end up with a team mission with 5 maximum players(2 vs 3 is unfair?). Coop type missions use 1, Team type missions use 2(default).


Any light?

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