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Tommygun for everyone :D

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A little story for beginning. A long time ago, in my childhood I had a US M1928 SMG manual. And I felt in love :D

Always wanted M1928 in OFP, but only now I became experienced enought to make it myself.

I began from modelling M1928, but then decided to make a whole Thompsons line pack.

I'm trying my best to make it as closer to real SMG as I can, the same time using as less polys as I can.

Now I have almost completed M1928 basic model. I began from it, cause it is the most complex of the Thompsons line.

For this moment it has 2113 faces, and lacks magazines, bolt animation and textures.

By completing the basic model I will get some modifications - for example with/without stock, folded/unfolded Lyman sight, with/without Cutts compensator, various magazines.

I want to make an easily modifying SMGs, to be used without any permission. For this, I will add a couple of "template models", so everyone could easily get an SMG he wants just by removing unneeded selections in the model.

There will be M1928A1 and two M1s - standard and so called "Pathfinder modification".

And more. I'm going to make UD M42 SMG, and, probably, a couple of Reisings. Though Reising SMGs were not widely used in combat, I just like it's appearance. ;)

I've got alot of excellent photos, so it's just a matter of time.

Any suggestions, critics, propositions are highly welcomed. :)

Edited by Nimravus

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M1918 trench knife for Pathfinder mod.


Edited by Nimravus

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Very nice you need to work on the lightning though. Looking forward to the finished product!


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you need to work on the lightning though.
Agreed) STGN, do you mean lighting in the Bulldozer environment - for the screens only? Or some lighting that will afflict the model in-game?

Sennacherib thanks for the tip. It will help alot. :) I almost never used this function and forgot about it.

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Soul Assassin

Aha. It's getting clear. If I understood properly, that function makes edges to LOOK (not actually makes) smoother via another "method of lighting" used. It makes faces to reflect light in some other way. The geometry of edges remain the same.

Live and learn :D

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a couples of question.

1. Will be possible to fight with this kinfie-castet? I mean new hit animations etc?

2. I see that will be mainly WWII thompson versions. What about after WWII (Vietnam, Korea)?

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What Korea/Vietnam version? The M1A1 (used in WWII) was the last of the line (except for the semi-autos manufactured for civilian markets), and was still used in Korea. And very little in Vietnam, too.

Nimravus, looking good! I hope they'll be realisticly inaccurate. To create great gangster gunfights if nothing else.

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I think he was talking about M1A1 without stock ;) This is the only solution.But he didn't know that in fact there was thompson from WWII era. Yeah Nimravus I agree with Sepe. Recoil is very important thing.

Edited by Bielow

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I couldn't resist hooking it up with some proper lightning (electric discharge in the atmosphere). Sincere apologies.


I am so so sorry :o

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