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Some help with a small multiplayer map?

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I was wondering if somebody who has the know how that I lack would make me a simple multiplayer map? I know that's kinda asking a lot, but I think it would be really easy. Flashpoint had a race map for the BAS dirtbike addon that my friends and I played a lot. I was wondering if someone could throw one together real quick for Chenarus? Like maybe have 10 checkpoints over the whole island? The original had like 10 player slots and you raced around Nogova with an onscreen marker showing you where and how far the next checkpoint was. I don't know how to write scripts like that but I know enough to edit the mission once it's made. It would be cool if you could change the vehicle in the mission parameters. Like maybe from the dirtbike to the ATV, or mountain bike even. That might be asking a little much, but would be a cool idea.

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This would be pretty cool ! Would be a nice change of pace before or after a huge war battle.

And just for giggles leave the option of IED's :yay:

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Random IEDs would be pretty funny, especially if they were along the most obvious routes. I wasn't really expecting anything that technical, seeing how I don't know how to do it myself. I have read some tutorials, but still don't get the scripting. BIS really dropped the ball with simple but fun multiplayer missions for the last few releases. I remember one mission for OFP:R that was a CTF map on that small boob shaped island in the south of Nogova. That mission was so much fun for being so simple.

---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------

My friends and I would play the dirkbike race map as a warmup for lan parties. We would pair up and ride double on the bikes. Rule was that you had to change drivers after every checkpoint. So many laughs. Only weapon you had was 4 hand grenades. Whenever you flattened a tire on the bike, you had to blow yourself up a new one.

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I am willing to offer any help as for troubleshooting or beta testing if needed. My skills as a script designer are non existing.

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