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Infinite terrain troubles

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Hi again

it's me your resident troubled v3 mapper. Aaanyways, I'm having some problems with infinte terrain on my map. If i dont enable infinte terrain i get large "walls" around my map, ie random terrain is some 100m higher then the surrounding terrain. Whats up with that. And if i enable true random terrain, like this

		class OutsideTerrain {
		satellite = "\DGC\DGC_TAKIST_N\data\s_satout_co.paa";
		enableTerrainSynth = 1;

		class Layers {
			class Layer0 {
				nopx = "\DGC\DGC_TAKIST_N\data\sm_redsand_detail_nopx.paa";
				texture = "\DGC\DGC_TAKIST_N\data\sm_redsand_detail_co.paa";

it just goes bonkers on me with terrain lines drawn all over and generally very troublesome looking terrain. So now i cant even get my basic crappy stretched P.O.S. terrain working, i get walls around my map (which is suitable in a way coz it makes it feel like a big sandbox which is, in essence, what it is). So any help on the subject matter would be welcome, i read about some other method but couldnt find anything on it, it was called EnableInfiniteTerrainForUtesWorlds or some such?


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Don't start me on infinite terrain... I get holes in the sea when I turn it on :(

Currently I'm just leaving it off - the hell with what the land looks like outside the borders - as long as it's consistently OK within the play area...

Just one thing I noticed from above though...

Assuming you have a "DGC" namespace on your P:\ drive - with a "DGC_TAKIST_N" project folder inside that (the usual setup, in other words)...

Shouldn't the paths above all be like this?

satellite = "DGC\DGC_TAKIST_N\data\s_satout_co.paa";

rather than...

satellite = "\DGC\DGC_TAKIST_N\data\s_satout_co.paa";


Edited by Bushlurker

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that didn't do it, but thanks for the tip..

anyone got any idea what the EnableInfiniteTerrainForUtesWorlds thing was, i spotted it in another thread on the subject...?

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