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Need help on the 2nd Scud mission (Red Dawn)

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It´s no problem to capture the general. I just 'deflated' the tires of his jeep and the sniper took out the Speznaz. But then I have to destroy the second Scud! I tried this a dozend times and never found the f****** thing.

The briefing notes tell something about air defense as if you could use some aircraft. But the two Hind´s from the earlier mission are gone and I have no idea where to find another aircraft in time.

This realy sucks because I think this is the last mission.

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The road splits on the northeast corner of the island ... take the left hand route. When you come to some buildings at the end, you'll find the SCUD guarded by Shilkas and tanks ...

I got sick of either killing Guba in the crossfire, or being delayed whilst going after him, so I went straight for the SCUD to give myself more time and let him escape (for now). We will prevail in this war eventually ...

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I found a Hind somewhere and took out the scud first. Then I just shot Guba with a missile. Didn't feel like arresting the chap... Accidents happen!

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Is there an allied helicopter base am Kogluew? If so you could send out one of your soldiers with that jeep to get a helicopter while you and the rest nail the general.

@Bomber: Where do you found the Hind?

Scud problem: I failed in this mission a dozend times, and the Scud was fired from at least three different positions in the ending sequence! I seems that it has a random position or moves in the mission.

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- You drive down the road until you get to a camp guarded by 2 enemies.

- You drive through the camp and you see a fuel truck.

- Refuel the truck at the fuel station.

- Drive the fuel truck to the hind, that is on the left of the road past the camp.

(You can see the hind, while refueling, in front of you.)

The rest you gotta figure out yourself ! wink.gif

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Agreed, this is a d*amned hard mission. I don't see how it is possible to capture Guba and still have time to go take out the scud. I have had two of my squad take the Mi24 up and hold it off shore while we try to capture Guba, but by the time I get through refueling and getting those guys in the Hind, then driving down to the beachfront highway, Guba has apparently already passed along the road. Very, VERY difficult mission.

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I can't really remember where the Hind is will look that up. There are 2 guards at the entrance of the base. Just shoot them with the m21. refuel the hind, take off fly north allong the eastern coastline. The scud will not show up on your radar as a red dot. I believe it was white in my case. just sellect it and shoot it. It is near a building I believe and it is very hard to see. It showed up on my map as a red truck. And it is near the norhtern point of the island marked as enemy territory. There also is a ship near it which I destroyed in case Guba wanted to use it to escape. there are some shilkas there too so watch it and destroy them before they get you. after that you should fly back along the road on the west side of the island to the south. There is a moving UAZ there somewhere with guba. You can land and ambush it and arrest guba but I just shot it from the Hind, accidents happen!

One thing you can do is use a first try of the mission to recon. remember where all the targets are and then when you retry the mission mark these targets on the map. It makes finding the scud and guba a little easier.

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This was a hard mission. I also took to the air in a Hind from the secret base after someone suggested its whereabouts. I find that Guba and his guards stop at a coastal town to smoke a pipe or something, and await for their pick up. They wait a while so you get plenty of time to dodge the shilkas.

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After you have picked up Guba, the mission is much easier if you fly southeast until you're over water, then head north about 300m parallel to the coast. It is a much saver route.

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From the start of the mission, what is the fastest route to get to Guba? Where do you go first to try and nab him?

Thanks for any help.


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man i am stuck in this mission...........how do you find that hind and Guba?

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The hind is at the coordinates Ed46. There is also a small base with two enemy soldiers and a refuel truck which you need to refuel the Hind. When you go straight to the Hind, and refuel and go straight to Guba, he will be at the beginning where he will start. Destroy the shilka and the t80 (which i forgot and it killed all my team) get out and kill the two guards who disembarked the car. Guba will disembark and a cutscene will follow. eave you team behind as they are dumb, and make Guba your gunner. Fly to the Coordinates ih20 evading and destroying the shilkas and the scud which is on a hill. Or just eject over the area and go on foot. I was shot down and crashed in a forest. Guba and i survived. I left him behind and went on foot followed by a BMP. I destroyed the scud with some satchel's and BOOOOM.

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