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staying in crouch position

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ive been messing around with some defence style missions and i havent been able to make my soldiers stay in the crouch or middle position.

i know about setunitpos but "middle" never seems to work any ideas on this?

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I have a little script to do it. But is has a one bug... this soldiers are in static position, so they cannot move until You force him with next scripts. I'll upload when I back from work.

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Bielow - script, script :] - Don't forget Dude ;)

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S*it... I totally forget... I'm sorry :(

Here is test mission with script on it.


Here is the screen with "forced" crouch position


Most of Ofp players know how to use scripts, so no readme included- it's unneccesary.

It contains 3 different variations:

a. Stay Up

b. Crouch

c. Stay Down

I think they are very usefuel to force units to guard something/somewhere. With this little baby You can order soldiers to stay down,up or crouch in position what You want.



Edited by Bielow

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