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Reliable method (MP) to end mission when all playable units dead/wounded?

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What is a reliable method (MP) to end a mission when all playable units on one side are either dead or wounded (needing first aid as in BIS medic module). I used "not alive man1 and ...." however that method does not count wounded units and the trigger itself does not kick in at times in MP.

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Try this:

{lifeState _x == "ALIVE" && canStand _x} count [man1, man2] == 0

Put all necessary units into the [man1, man2 ...] array. The lifeState command will also detect when units are unconscious (lying on the ground in agony) with the first aid module. I added the canStand part because I assume you also want the mission to end when the last few units are unable to walk. If you don't want that, remove that part and just use this:

{lifeState _x == "ALIVE"} count [man1, man2] == 0


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If that doesn't work. This one will:


 SHK_inAgony = {
   private ["_r"];
   _r = _this getVariable "BIS_IS_inAgony";
   if (isNil "_r") then { _r = false };

condition in trigger/whatever:

{isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x call SHK_inAgony)} count playableunits < 1

That checks that if all players are dead or wounded (disabled by the BIS module/rolling on the ground). And, it ignores playable AI units.

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thx to both posters for the solutions. shk, how to split your method for each side? Like when all west players are dead or wounded and so forth?

---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------

Never mind, I got it working by listing the units in the array.

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[/color]Never mind, I got it working by listing the units in the array.

That or

{isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x call SHK_inAgony) && side _x == WEST} count playableunits < 1

{isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x call SHK_inAgony) && side _x == EAST} count playableunits < 1

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That work great. Also is there any way to make this work for when only 1 human player is on the server and all others are AI? Currently certain end triggers will fire if I am the only player, which sort of sucks if you are testing it alone.

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