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NEWBIE HELP....NO WW2 Russian Armour Appearing

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Hi Guys

In @31st Normandy Mod I cant get WW2 Russian Armour to load,Keep getting Bad vehicle type rw_sovcrew2 message and was wondering if this is because ALL the WW2 Russian files seem to be in different sections of the Editor.

The WW2 russian armour appears in OPFOR>other>Russian armour

But the WW2 Soldiers\Infantry is in Independent>soviet union ww2>WW2(vil)

If I am not mistaken should'nt they be together like the US,UK WW2(vil) files.

I have also notised that the Soviet Union WW2 in the BLUFOR section is actually Modern Russian forces and not WW2 ?

I followed the install intructions exactly as described in Section 2

BUT perhaps I am doing something wrong.

Any help on this matter would be really appreciated.:thumbsup::thumbsup:




Edited by checkmysix

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If I am not mistaken should'nt they be together like the US,UK WW2(vil) files.

I have also notised that the Soviet Union WW2 in the BLUFOR section is actually Modern Russian forces and not WW2 ?

Yes would makes sense wouldn't it, but

best to ask those questions to the guys who made 31st normandy mod in this thread here:


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