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Have a problem sounds simple enough but I cant figure it out. Basically, I have a trigger that executes when some one takes a flag in a normal way,

west == side flagowner Flag1

And on activation:

titletext[format ["%3 takes the flag for the Americans!\nStatus - West %1, East %2", usScore, rusScore, name(flagowner Flag1)], "Plain down"];

Now the problem is that the text does not appear on all screens in multiplayer. Instead it will appear only on some screens, not even necessarily on the screen of the person that took the flag, infact I can see no patern as to which screens it appears on. I do not think that this is just caused by lag, as it has happened when testing with people with low pings.

I have tried changeing the trigger type between None and Switch but does not make any difference. And hae tried various other conditions (including normal isnull condition used for flags) but they all appear to have the same problem. Well I have no idea, so please help if you can work it out.

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figured this one out my self the problem was that trigger also caused the flag to return to the flag pole (and change its texture... There is not a flag raising animation is there???) thus as soon as one computer saw the guy with the flag it would trigger, produce the titletext on it screen and move the flag back before the other computer had a chance to see the guy had the flag in the first place... problem easily solved by putting a slight delay on the flag being returned to the pole. In a way the problem was caused by lag just tiny unnoticable lag

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il close topic now ur finished speaking to yourself biggrin.gif

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