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Linux dedicated server issue

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I have the server up and running just fine, the only problem I'm getting is that my server name and password are not registering. The server name is defaulting to my server (computer's) name. Admin password and everything else are working just fine, it is only those two things that are uncooperative. I had this same issue when I ran a windows server and it was simply an issue with spaces in my file path, but there is no such issue here. I tried moving the .cfg to a path with no uppercase letters and no spaces, but the issue was the same. Anyone know what might be causing it?

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Either it's a syntax error in your config (you should get an error message though) or there's a mismatch between the config's file name and the -config command line parameter you've specified.

What's the command line being used?

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Since it's on a linux server, there's no command line. My config file points to /media/Servers/armaoa/server.cfg but I have tried multiple different file paths with no luck.

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Since it's on a linux server, there's no command line. My config file points to /media/Servers/armaoa/server.cfg but I have tried multiple different file paths with no luck.

How is the server started if there's no command line?

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I simply navigate to the folder and then run ./server. Server kicks up and reads from the config files (mostly). Everything that would be contained in the command line is in the arma2oaserver file.

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I simply navigate to the folder and then run ./server. Server kicks up and reads from the config files (mostly). Everything that would be contained in the command line is in the arma2oaserver file.
That's the problem right there. Dont't run "./server" directly. Instead, run the launch script called "arma2oaserver".

That script will start "server" with the proper set of startup parameters.

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