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polar bear

Seek and Destroy -- access to global information?

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I set some civilians to wander around downtown Zargabad, being lazy I just did it by setting them on a SEEK AND DESTROY waypoint with a radius of about 200 meters and with a CYCLE back to itself. I figured they'd endlessly wander the city core.

Nope--they run out at top speed and high tail it over to the other end of the map. Restart--same behavior. I was curious what they were up to so I started myself as a civvy and followed them. Turns out they beeline to the location of some other civvy units I have out near my initial spawn point.

All I can figure is that the other civvys see some blufor units and shared this information with the seek and destroy team?

The only other possibility is they are somehow picking up the other civvy's waypoint, as there's a move waypoint over there. The evidence for that is they reduced their speed to LIMITED on arriving there--which is the behavior change mandated by that waypoint.

Or it's just bugged...

I solved my problem by switching them over to another way of patrolling the city core but I'm curious to know what's up with this.

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do you want them to walk around randomly? Use the dismissed option instead of seek and destroy. Or set some move waypoints with random a random placement radius and then cycle it.

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do you want them to walk around randomly? Use the dismissed option instead of seek and destroy. Or set some move waypoints with random a random placement radius and then cycle it.

First one is good, as long as it is cycled out of now and then, otherwise they'll keep dispersing in a greater and greater radius.

The second option isn't really working though. It only randomizes the waypoint placement once when they waypoint is created. It won't randomize every time the waypoint is activated. Therefore I suggest a small, simple patrol script if you want them to wander around with a new destination every time. Depends on how random and resource-demanding you want it.

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