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Lightsource disappears after savegame-reload

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i have put this in the init.sqf to create a lightsource around the player (ap):

light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal position ap; 
light setLightBrightness 0.1; 
light setLightAmbient[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; 
light setLightColor[0.2, 1.0, 0.2]; 
light lightAttachObject [ap, [0,0,12]];

It works fine but if i reload a savegame (only tested in editor) then there is no lightsource anymore...

I tried to put it in the players init and a seperate script but the lightsource is always gone after reloading, can someone help ?


Could that have something to do with the OA flashlight ?

I had it always turned on (glock17) as i saved and it was turned on after reload...maybe there is some issue here...

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Maybe spawn it via a trigger condition of local player or something? Something that will always be newly active after a save vs only at the beginning of the game?

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Maybe spawn it via a trigger condition of local player or something? Something that will always be newly active after a save vs only at the beginning of the game?

I also tried it inside a trigger with condition "time > 1" but this dosent fix the problem...

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You tried it spawned via script called from a trigger with condition of "local player" and tried "time > 1" or just tried "time > 1"?

Saved game scripting is only slightly more depressingly annoying them multiplayer scripting. :)

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Wahhh, this really annoys me right now, why works everything after a save but not the light source i created ?

I tried everything i could do, but no way...the lightsource is always gone...maybe it is a bug ?


After searching the forums i found a solution (but not a good one)...

_target = _this select 0;

while {alive player} do {

_light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_light setLightBrightness 0.07;
_light setLightAmbient[1, .07, .05];
_light setLightColor[1, .07, .05];
_light lightAttachObject [_target, [0,-0.1,0]];

sleep 1;
deleteVehicle _light;


This loops the light script constantly and the light is turned on again after a reload.

Edited by Wiggum

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Wahhh, this really annoys me right now, why works everything after a save but not the light source i created ?

I tried everything i could do, but no way...the lightsource is always gone...maybe it is a bug ?


After searching the forums i found a solution (but not a good one)...

_target = _this select 0;

while {alive player} do {

_light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [0,0,0];
_light setLightBrightness 0.07;
_light setLightAmbient[1, .07, .05];
_light setLightColor[1, .07, .05];
_light lightAttachObject [_target, [0,-0.1,0]];

sleep 1;
deleteVehicle _light;


This loops the light script constantly and the light is turned on again after a reload.

I was gonna say something but it looks like you found my thread - that nobody replied to btw :cool:

Anywho its not just the lights that get disapeared after a save, doors (animation states), ai behaviours and lots of other juicy gameplay stuff gets the chop.

You could head on over to http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12734 and vote for a fix :)

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I was gonna say something but it looks like you found my thread - that nobody replied to btw :cool:

Anywho its not just the lights that get disapeared after a save, doors (animation states), ai behaviours and lots of other juicy gameplay stuff gets the chop.

You could head on over to http://dev-heaven.net/issues/12734 and vote for a fix :)

Yes, i found your thread... :D

I have run into another issue with savegames !

My music-script that loops some music tracks constantly dont works after a reload, that is so annoying... :mad:

Maybe we need a general thread about that problem here...i mean it effects so many things (light/music/animations and many more for sure).

It wonders me that this have not be mentioned many more times...i mean, what do the other mission-designers do ?

What did BIS do at their missions ???

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