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The Hole in the Sea

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I have, since I have tested continuous terrain procedure in building terrain the bad surprise to see some parts featuring water at the sea level not showing in game.

There is foam all around and a big hole in the middle.

Thinking I was the only guy having this issue, I have found a way around the problem using ponds textures to cover the hole. This solution is possible if the hole is not too big and if it's an inland hole for the pond water is not the sea water.

I have used that way to cover a Hole in the Brik map.

I has nearly forgotten the issue when trying to build a map "a la Chernarus" based on my ArmA Sbrodjistan map, I fell again in the hole.

But this time there is a bit chunk of sea water missing. I know, somebody here, Bushlurker perhaps, went also in the same hole ^^.


Is there some of you knowing a trick in order to get a nice water surface in lieu of this dark ugly hole?

Edited by Old Bear

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Hi Old Bear!

Yeah... it was me with this problem... I posted in this thread with some pics about the problem...

Still no idea how to fix this... I noticed Mondkalb, I think it was, with a similar problem... I asked in that thread if anyone had any ideas but no response...

It's definitely tied to the procedural terrain... with it switched off - all is well, but of course the "infinite non-procedural land" area beyond the border is stretched and featureless, and for some reason the ground texture is a bit blurry close-up, although it still has clutter...

I'd all but given up on this one - thinking its some kind of engine glitch or something as Icebreakr (I think) suggested...

For now - I've just left Enable Terrain Synth = 0... it's a 20 x 20km map - only flyboys should be wandering outside the borders... for ground units - it's clearly signposted "turn back - nothing of interest lies beyond"... if you go out there anyway and it looks ugly - tough, I tried my best...

Still... I'd be totally delighted if a fix turns up! - this was one of the first stonewalls I hit with my project, and its the only major one as yet unresolved.....


Edited by Bushlurker

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