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Disable artillery computer

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:yay: wonderfull thank you.

I've got another question regarding this, it may not belong to this board but anyway : what does the fire mode close, medium, far, exactly changes ?

Edited by luckyhendrix

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Great, I have been looking for this. This goes into the init.sqf correct? Or does it go into the mortarts,M119s,D30s ect.

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It can go pretty much anywhere. :) One in the init.sqf is fine. For testing I just slapped it in an init of one mortar and it affected the other mortar and a D-30.

The main problem is that the old artillery module won't work anymore. :( Just placed it does nothing, and synched to a mortar the option comes up but you don't get the targeting movement/icon, just the map stuck where you are.

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what does the fire mode close, medium, far, exactly changes ?

Using a shorter range(smaller muzzle velocity) reduces the time of flight and the minimum range

Unfortunately we can't use (below 45degrees) angles. It would reduces the time of flight even more and add more flexibility like MRSI (already possible but with only 2 rounds impacting at the same time from 1 gun and it is only possible in a small range specter.

And you can't choose rapidly between different ammo like smoke or illum.

In a perfect world we could change the round's fuze to set it at point detonating(default) or Proximity or even delay for structures...

Edited by Hbomber110

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Great. We use R3F on our domination map and once that is fixed, I will disable this new arty computer. Thank you so much Kylania. I dont know where I would of found out how to disable the arty system.

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