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Half-life problems...

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Ok, take this in steps. it's about the newly released HL patch.

I tried to get to the Counter-Strike forums, but it just froze upon loading, so I'm seeking some help from my good friends at this forum.

Here's my Problem:

Ok, I reinstalled Half-Life, I reinstalled Blue-Shift,

I reinstalled Opposing-force, I reinstalled The 1.9

patch, I reinstalled Counter-strike.

(I Reinstalled Half-Life first, THEN the patch)

I start up HL, run CS, and play a game, PERFECTLY. The

problem is, when I exit a game and go back to the

second menu (the one with "Customize, Controls, etc.)

it freezes up, and I have to Alt + Ctrl + Del to


I havn't tried any other MODs to see if this is

happening tot hem or not, because mainly I'm trying to

get one thing to work at a time.

Thanks, and sorry for the length, I know you get a lot

of mail.


Please help me guys, I tried everytwhere, and I know the last thing you want is to hear about CS.

Thanks anyways,


(P.S. i finally got that Finnish Hawk Mission set up, it's in a bundel (Comes witht he origanal hawk Addon, the mission file, the AA guns that come in the mission, and a readme)

Mal me here pgroves22@yahoo.com to get it. (or to help me with my CS "problems")

Thanks again,

Sid smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sid @ May 01 2002,04:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I start up HL, run CS, and play a game, PERFECTLY. The

problem is, when I exit a game and go back to the

second menu (the one with "Customize, Controls, etc.)

it freezes up, and I have to Alt + Ctrl + Del to

desktop.<span id='postcolor'>

I had the same problem. But guess what? I havent had the problem since, probably because I havent played CS since biggrin.gif

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i recall having the same problem many many moons ago and as far as i remember im sure it sorted itself out.

try looking for a irc room for cs if ur cs forums arent loading, i fear u wont get much help for cs here lol.

All these members were hardened CS fans untill opflash came out, now they pretend to hate it biggrin.gif

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Thanks guys,

But i can't go IRC becuse.... because... icantworkit. confused.gif

So I guess I'll just have to wait this one out.. or intill I get off my lazy buttox and do somthing about it. biggrin.gif

I guess its back to Flashoint 24/7 again *sigh* (lol) wink.gif

Thanks anyways guys.

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Oh, I forgot to mention, when i go online with HL, i ge this error:

There Server .dat file seems to be corrupted.

I got thi error with my origanal copy of HL, then I reinstalled it and I get the same error.

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<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=300><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://bobedibop.tripod.com/badthings.swf><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://bobedibop.tripod.com/badthings.swf WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=300 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT>

Yessir, it is the truth.

But i had great time playing it. So here goes again  biggrin.gif

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Now i get another problem when i try to join a servera:

LOM_LoadFile: your models/player seesm to be out of space...

...or somthing like that.


TI happens on ALL other mods, AND with HL in genrel. sad.gif

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