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BGF Krätzer

Define Sound for Automode

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What i have to paste here if i want that the weapon plays while firing this sound KZ_FG42is/sound/shoot.wss

//Produced from mikero's Dos Tools using dll 2.99

#define _ARMA_

//Class KZ_FG42is : config.bin{
class CfGPatches
class KZ_FG42is
 Units[] = {};
 weapons[] = {"KZ_FG42is"};
 requiredVersion = 1.0;
 requiredAddons[] = {};
class CfgWeapons
class rw_BAR;
class KZ_FG42is: rw_BAR
 DisplayName = "KZ_FG42is";
 Model = "KZ_FG42is\Fg42is.p3d";
class cfgVehicles
class ReammoBox;
class TestWeaponBox: ReammoBox
 scope = 2;
 accuracy = 1000;
 displayName = "Test Weapon Box";
 model = "\ca\weapons\AmmoBoxes\USBasicWeapons.p3d";
 class TransportMagazines
  class 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag
   magazine = "20Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
   count = 200;
 class TransportWeapons
  class KZ_FG42is
   weapon = "Fg42";
   count = 12;

Edited by BGF Krätzer

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Put this:

begin1[] = {"\KZ_FG42is\sound\shoot.wss", 1.77828, 1, 1000};

soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};

inside your fullauto mode. First number behind file is loudness, second is speed of playback and third is distance.

Look at your parent class rw_BAR to see the names of the modes. You can use different sound files and add them as begin2[], begin3[] etc., then add them to the soundbegin[] array, the number behind the name is the probability, so use 0.5 with two different sounds.

Example from BAF_L110A1:

    class BAF_L110A1_Aim: Rifle
       modes[] = {"manual","close","short","medium","far"};
       class manual: Mode_FullAuto
           recoil = "recoil_auto_machinegun_8outof10";
           recoilProne = "recoil_auto_machinegun_prone_5outof10";
           dispersion = 0.0008;
           begin1[] = {"Ca\sounds_baf\weapons\l110_single1a_vetsi_raze",1.77828,1,1000};
           begin2[] = {"Ca\sounds_baf\weapons\l110_single1b_vetsi_raze",1.77828,1,1000};
           soundBegin[] = {"begin1",0.5,"begin2",0.5};
           soundContinuous = 0;
           soundBurst = 0;

soundContinuous = 1; makes the game wait until the sound is finished before playing the next one

soundburst = 1; is for prerecorded burst sounds with three shots in one file, if = 0 it plays the sound again for every shot fired in the burst.

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Maybe it doesn't have one and inherited it from the parent class. In that case you need to follow the ancestors until you find one ;)

Edit: Or just define your own of course, but you'll have to look for an example anyway.

Edited by Scruffy

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This code works, thx:

#define _ARMA_

//Class KZ_FG42is : config.bin{
class CfGPatches
class KZ_FG42is
 Units[] = {};
 weapons[] = {"KZ_FG42is"};
 requiredVersion = 1.0;
 requiredAddons[] = {"rw_weap","VILAS_Stare"};
class Mode_SemiAuto{};
class Mode_FullAuto{};
class CfgWeapons
class rw_bar;
class KZ_FG42is: rw_bar
 DisplayName = "KZ_FG42is";
 model = "\KZ_FG42is\Fg42is.p3d";
 modes[] = {"Single","ai_single","auto"};
 magazines[] = {"VIL_20Rnd_mauser"};
 class Single: Mode_SemiAuto
  sound[] = {"\KZ_FG42is\sound\shoot.wss",5.62341,1};
  recoil = "M4Recoil";
  recoilProne = "m4Recoil";
  reloadTime = 0.1;
  dispersion = 0.001;
  aiRateOfFire = 5;
  minRange = 25;
  minRangeProbab = 0.1;
  midRange = 10;
  midRangeProbab = 0.5;
  maxRange = 40;
  maxRangeProbab = 0.01;
 class ai_Single: Mode_SemiAuto
  sound[] = {"\KZ_FG42is\sound\shoot.wss",5.62341,1};
  recoil = "M4Recoil";
  recoilProne = "m4Recoil";
  reloadTime = 0.1;
  dispersion = 0.003;
  aiRateOfFire = 5;
  minRange = 25;
  minRangeProbab = 0.1;
  midRange = 100;
  midRangeProbab = 0.5;
  maxRange = 400;
  maxRangeProbab = 0.01;
  showtoplayer = 0;
 class auto: Mode_FullAuto
  sound[] = {"\KZ_FG42is\sound\shoot.wss",5.62341,1};
  recoil = "M4Recoil";
  recoilProne = "m4Recoil";
  reloadTime = 0.09;
  dispersion = 0.004;
  aiRateOfFire = 5;
  autofire = 1;
  minRange = 2;
  minRangeProbab = 0.1;
  midRange = 50;
  midRangeProbab = 0.1;
  maxRange = 100;
  maxRangeProbab = 0.01;
class cfgVehicles
class ReammoBox;
class TestWeaponBox: ReammoBox
 scope = 2;
 accuracy = 1000;
 displayName = "Test Weapon Box";
 model = "\ca\weapons\AmmoBoxes\USBasicWeapons.p3d";
 class TransportMagazines
  class VIL_20Rnd_mauser
   magazine = "VIL_20Rnd_mauser";
   count = 200;
 class TransportWeapons
  class KZ_FG42is
   weapon = "KZ_FG42is";
   count = 12;

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