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Play sound based on DayTime

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I've trolled the forum to no avail and hope some one can point me in the right direction.

I trying to get say church bells or calling to prayers to run a certain times of day based on triggers.

If DayTime1 =>10:00 then run sound for 10 minutes


If DayTime2 => 14:00 then run sound for 10 minutes

and so on

Any help greatly appreciated.

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Just fill onActivation with anything you like that plays 10 minutes of whatever.

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if (daytime > 19 || daytime < 4) then {

playSound "calling.ogg";


That should get the sound to play, obviously you can change the time. I am not sure how to get it to keep playing for 10 minutes though. Maybe figure out how long it is, and do a sleep on the next line for how long the sound is then do another playSound until you add up to 10 minutes.

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Yep, only problem is that on activation would be any time of day rather than a specific time.

So if the trigger becomes active and say the time is 14:30 then the sound won't play.

Sorry but I'm a scriping "newbee" so any help appreciated.

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Still can't get the sound to activate based on time of day.

However , I've also got the problem that the sound does not diminish based on the distance from the source.

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