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Jpg pictures!

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My JPG pictures for the Overview and in the mission briefing don't show up! I put them in the mission folder and wrote them in (img src, etc.) but they don't work!

It sometimes gives me a wierd message saying that they're 'not 2^n' or something like that, but mostly it just ignores them completely!

I have a big gap in the briefing where the pic should be, but it isn't there!!!!!

Please help!!!!!

sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif

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Make sure the pic is in size's like :

64 * 128

128 * 128

64 *64

256 * 256 etc.


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the "2^N" means the width and height must be a power of 2

2 "to the" N

'luck with the mission

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Cheers for that, guys.

The mission is in the Campaign that I am making, it is an assasination mission. Is there any way to give a unit a specific face in the editor, so it still has that face in single missions? Only I want to release this mission separately as well, as it's brilliant (not meaning to boast).

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UnitName SetFace "FaceName"

Put this in the unit's initilization field. You can use any downloaded face packs so long as you know what to call it up as.

I also think that SetFace will overide any player's profiles faces.

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Cheers SomeOPFguy. Another question - is it possible to have the user name in the briefing? Like, for a user called 'Aardvark' it says Aardvark. For a user called 'duckduckduckduck' it says duckduckduckduck etc. Is there a way to do this?

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Forgot to add, I need the Username thingy in the briefing. Although I could probably put 'soldier' instead, but it would be cooler if it said the player's username.

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