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MarketPlace suicide bomber?

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I DL a mission that is suppose to give an example of a misson/w script of the use of a suicide bomber that attacks within the setting of a market place area.

Not sure where I DL from? but I cannot seem to get it to work? A script where a suicide bomber will randomly attack.

Does anyone know a good script for this?


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How exactly was it not working? Did you have it in Demo mode? If so what was it saying?

I belive I've run it two ways. Inside the editor and in the single player scenario section -

The only info that comes across is something along the lines of "no target selected yet"....or something along these lines. I've waited quite long into the mission (basically standing and trying to communicate with passer-bys).

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I just loaded up the download version again. Took 26 seconds for the "Still Hunting..." to change to found targets. Then another 12 seconds and two probability rolls for the bomber to attack. All I did was just stand there and count. :)

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