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Need help - "sleep" or "wait" command.

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Hello, i have been struggling with a problem lately. Thing is, i need a script to "wait" or "sleep" a certain time.

I searched the wiki and the forums. First tried using triggers, and made them repeat and with a timeout/countdown, but for some reason the triggers do not repeat.

Is this a bug in the game or am I just doing something wrong?


Okay, I think I got it. If anyone else wants to know how its done what you basically want to do is just use ~.


hint "Hello!"
goto "loop"

This willl hint "Hello" every 5 seconds! Thanks :)

Edited by qbt

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Could you not just put a loop in the script? i.e

rest of your script
goto "loop"



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Thanks for the quick reply LEGION7698! :) The problem is, that that loops so quickly. I would need it to be like:

hint "123"
[i]wait/sleep 2[/i]
goto "loop"

So this only happens every 2 seconds.

E: I also thought of using time and if sentences, but this too loops quickly and takes much CPU usage..

Edited by qbt

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there are basically 2 ways to halt a script. either use "~" or "@"

"~" is used along with a number or a variable and pauses the script for a specific amount of time (~5 or ~_timeVariable)

"@" is used with any condition and pauses the script until that condition is met (@a>b or @ driver tank == myUnit)

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