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What do you want to see in the next patch?

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New netcode with support for linux servers

Frames per second counter

Half-life-esque netgraph to see when I'm spiking

Free/first/third person chase/follow cam so you can see what's happening after you die in multiplayer- the bird is cute but it's hard to follow my teammates with it

Way to watch the action while I'm waiting for a game to end so I can join (server-side option?)

More control for the player.  IE vote kick/map and mute players

Better mission planning.  Like being able to draw plans on the map for all to see before starting mission

That's all I can think of, anyone care to add anything else?

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women, children, and various things to give a more populated feeling

chase cam. bird makes me dizzy after awhile

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New netcode will come with Resistance end of June. However, they said nothing about Linux support. I remember back in the early days of the Forum/Game people requested it several times and BIS considered to take according actions, but it was never said that they will really do it and thus don't expect anything in that direction from Resistance.

You can use the external tool FRAPS to do it. I think they should add many other things before this one... (don't ask me where to get FRAPS)

Never played Halflife, so I don't really know what you are talking about. But with the 'P' key you can get some stats of your and others connection. Additionally the Admin has the possibility to check serverload with the #monitor <time_in_seconds> command. And last but not least, there is this yellow/read square in the lower right, when there is an issue with your connection.

Yepp, that's a point.

Hard to implement, since it is about the same as 'Join-in-progress' and this has been discussed over and over in hundreds of threads...

There is a #vote kick <player> and #vote mission(s). Check the Readme files in the latest patch ZIP file (also copied somewhere in the installation directory) for a full MP command reference.

You can put marks on the map that other players can see. Depending on your chat channel (global, side, group, a.s.o.) only the according players can see it. Just doubleclick on the map and with the up/down arrows you can change the shape of the mark and add some comments. It works not only in Briefing, but also in the mission (very useful to show your team where you are or where the enemy sniper hides...)

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A real netcode is #1

That includes Half-Life style netcoding, Where 20 players can play without any serious lag and player warping and so on.

After that, Fix all the dodgy physics in the game for vehicles.

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Vehicles with machinegun that fire AA fire at the 'NEWER' choppers (Apache, Chinook etc...). Now they only fire at original ver 1.00 aircrafts - Cobras, Blackhawk etc...

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What I want to see?

Extended mission briefing capabilities: It would be nice to split up your team, assign waypoints, add marks you can use by radio commands, a.s.o. (I know, it is partially possible during the mission, but anyway)

When you select more squad mates, all shared actions should be available in command window (eg if you select wounded soldiers 'Heal at medic'wink.gif

Same for 'Take Weapon from' and 'Take Magazine from' - I think these two commands will become very important with Resistance biggrin.gif

Players who lack an Addon for a missions should not be kicked but rejected to pool. They should not be able to to get a player slot and in a different color then those who have the addon. Today it happens often, that a voted Admin who does not know the missions on a ded. server, chooses a mission with an Addon and suddenly everybody gets disconnected (including the Admin biggrin.gif ) Of course, these players in pool should not be able to block the start of a game!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Pukko @ April 29 2002,15:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Vehicles with machinegun that fire AA fire at the 'NEWER' choppers (Apache, Chinook etc...). Now they only fire at original ver 1.00 aircrafts - Cobras, Blackhawk etc...<span id='postcolor'>

Well the M1A1 uses its machine gun on the SU25. I have also been shot by it in a chopper I think. Or maybe not I am not sure.

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I don't want any additional content, just fixes.

I want a fix for the input lag as priority #1. I'm tired of having to adjust my anti-aliasing/pre-rendering settings before and after each game.

The only other problem that comes to mind is the lack of proper function for EAX and Hardware Acceleration. That they are seemingly only supported by one particular soundcard is unacceptable.

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Things I'd like to see in the next patch:

A new island

A bus

More different types of civilians

A whole new class of weapon (mortars or pistols)

Improved netcode

And I demand it be out by the end of June smile.gif

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I want a Rastafarian Commando team that comes with a Ganga Gun i.e a weapon that shoots dimebags 2000 feet at 50000fps.

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Apart from the features OFP:resistance will apparently have:

- improved and fixed physics, i.e. vehicles that jump across the map, helicopters are submergable without damage, helicopters can fly backwards as fast as forwards with same acceleration, tanks have a braking distance that is much to long...

- realistic weapons brought to more actual specs including optics (not a handfull of vehicles sharing the same gun, same ammo , optics etc. out of gamebalance purposes)

- improved visual SFX, i.e. explosions. Fixed visual SFX; i.e. an AP round doesn´t explode, handgrenades don´t explode in a fireball, in OFP there´s almost no smoke development during start of a missile etc... Detailed sky, improved lighting effects for flares, carlights, tracers,  etc.

- More animations for soldier character, especially when changing to a new heading while prone, the soldier currently turns like he´s lying on a free floating disk without any animation.

how about making him only able to bend his upper torso left and right at limited degree from his current main heading, if he wants to do a major position change while prone i.e. turn 180° he´ll has to crawl while steering him to the new direction.

Walking upright with gun in his hand for patrolling and normal movement instead of running, or gun on back or walking half kneeling.

- AI. smarter AI teammates that are not constantly running around you, back and forth, spinning etc even when you are doing only a position change of a few meters. Fixed ROF for AI machine gunners, they are still popping off single shots instead of doing short bursts.

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A map that you can draw on.

Fast roping.

Maybe some more realistic water so that you could actually go underwater and see. Then have some scuba units?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hardliner @ April 29 2002,16<!--emo&wow.gif)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Pukko @ April 29 2002,15:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Vehicles with machinegun that fire AA fire at the 'NEWER' choppers (Apache, Chinook etc...). Now they only fire at original ver 1.00 aircrafts - Cobras, Blackhawk etc...<span id='postcolor'>

Well the M1A1 uses its machine gun on the SU25. I have also been shot by it in a chopper I think. Or maybe not I am not sure.<span id='postcolor'>

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i've had some T-80s open up on me in an AH-64 before<span id='postcolor'>

Ok, strange. I dont think there is a problem with the SU25. But I just made a test mission with one T80 platoon and one T72 platoon directly south of airfield where I placed a AH-64, CH-47, OH-58 and AH-1. Please download this mission and try it out:

AA MG Test mission

The problems seems to be greater with each patch. Now none of the T-72's and only one or two T-80's fire at the old AH-1 and the new OH-58. NONE fires at AH-64 or CH-47, except if I land amongst them - then they kill me with HE in one second...

And an ever greater problem I have seen since about version 1.30 is that the tanks only appear as white squares on the radar until I damage them - then they might turn red for a short time (exception for a SOME T-80's with AH-1 and OH-58). There is never any report, like "12 a clock T80, 500".

I tried to remove all addons in case they produced the problem - no defferance. Please test the mission above, because this is a big problem; at least to me who likes to start up OFP and just fly around as recreation  sad.gif

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anyone who knows me knows what i want. SNIPER RIFLES. Id say, the AW50, the USMC M40A3, the M24, the Barrett .50, maybe a PSG-1, and then maybe an M40A1, but with a silencer....And then a sniper unit that actually has enough space to carry an effective kit, and actually blends in with his surroundings (unlike the current sniper unit that blends in with nothing). And then i want claymores, AA missiles that actually work, Mini-Guns on the black hawk (those .50 cals are a joke! ), a wider range of special forces units, i.e. SEAL's, Rangers, Delta Force, Marine Recon, etc. Hell, i'm asking for a new game all together. I'll shut up now.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I want a Rastafarian Commando team that comes with a Ganga Gun i.e a weapon that shoots dimebags 2000 feet at 50000fps.

<span id='postcolor'>


I would like to see the MP problems resolved. That's about it. As far as units go, c'mon it's OFP! If BIS doesn't make them someone will.

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i would maybe like to see a C130 or some other large cargo transport plane that you could load a tank onto or a few hummv or jeeps....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ April 30 2002,01:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">20 people lag free in maps the size of OFP?  we wish<span id='postcolor'>

The size of the map shoulden't make a differance because the map is client side.

It's the player locations and crap that uses data transfer, And this is what needs de-fucking.

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i would like to see an enemy AI soldier that cant see through buildings and shoot u... or cant see through thick bushes from 250foot away and shoot u while ur running.ie almost an impossible shot ...unless ur an AI soldier....

or maybe im just crap and lol......

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Pukko @ April 30 2002,01:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And an ever greater problem I have seen since about version 1.30 is that the tanks only appear as white squares on the radar until I damage them - then they might turn red for a short time (exception for a SOME T-80's with AH-1 and OH-58). There is never any report, like "12 a clock T80, 500".<span id='postcolor'>

This is a problem. Maybe it is something to do with lock on? This is why I like the HIP better than the Hind because rockets don't need a lock on manual fire. The Hind missiles are pretty useless anyway. One time I was in a Hind and fired the missiles at a M1 in a platoon (I was to the platoons right they were in line formation) the missiles flew right over the target tank and hit and destroyed the tank beyond it. Even when aiming carefully the missiles always fly over the target. I would like to see this fixed if the missiles in real life are accurate or if its just me hopeless with the missiles please do tell me.

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They don't always miss. It's also not good to shoot at targets that are close. Missiles seem more accurate if they have some space to line up and aim. I often see the Hind miss when I try to engage targets closer than 600 meters. Though they seem to take down Shilkas from 1.2km quite well.

Besides missiles in real life don't always hit their target, though they are bloody accurate.

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Yepp, Hind AT6 (?) hits only when shot from >400m. It's not a bug but a feature as BIS stated several month ago.

And Tanks are white in the HUD when they are inactive, e.g. no crew inside or the crew did not move tank or turret. So it is just another feature.

So next time when you play MP don't destroy the white squares or others will call you a base raper wink.gif

Okay, before others say that it hits - the propability to hit at <400m is lower...

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one thing all ppl have forgotted:

beeing able to make a assignment in the option for the gun/grenade/weapon (3 ll be nice: main/special/grenade)...

i personnally never see IRL a soldier that take a grenade to pass from full auto mode to single fire or a chopper pilot that need to pass in the guided missile to select his chaingun and after his FFAR.

IsThatForRealJohnWayne ? tounge.gif

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