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A message of thanks to W0lle

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I dont normally get agitated by people's actions and words on forums.

But when a moderator displays clear lack of reading abilities and ignorance of peoples right to to answer when spoken to, I can spill over.

Your action of closing my thread before I have a chance to answer is plain rude.

So lets spill over....and quote the obvious

This is in reference to This thread


Quote W0lle: "Who promised you a new toolsuite? As far as I know no one."

At what point did I state any of this, Clear ignorance on your part.


Quote W0lle: "We do not allow any protests, especially not for no apparent reason."

Well I'm glad to see that your eyes understood the bold word 'protest', but seemingly you failed to understand the rest. I am politely asking for an update to the existing BI tools suite, nothing more and nothing less.


Quote W0lle: "And for the last time: Visitor4 is part of the VBS2 developer tools. It won't be available for non-VBS2 customers anytime soon."

Well at least you answered an off topic question that didn't come from my mouth, again a bit ignorant for your closing words.

I am a customer of BIS products and consider this to be a forum to support the products BIS make and we purchase.

Maybe you had a bad day, late night, who knows.

As a moderator you are supposed to be a punctual embassador to BIS, In my case you could have put more effort into acting like one.

Thanks for reading this.

Edited by Geordie

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I guess you have problems reading stuff, too. From our rules:

§2) Follow the instructions of the moderators

When a moderator or BIS staff member asks you to do something or to stop doing something, please follow their instructions. If you have questions/complaints/comments about the forum or moderators please PM them to a moderator, we will do our utmost to reply to any that we receive. If you have an issue that you feel cannot be solved by another moderator then please PM the head moderator (Placebo), he will be happy to look into the matter.


§18) No public discussion on how the forum is moderated

If you have questions/complaints/comments about the forum or moderators please PM them to a moderator, we will do our utmost to reply to any that we receive. If you have an issue that you feel cannot be solved by another moderator then please PM the head moderator (Placebo), he will be happy to look into the matter. You may also ask your questions in the "Ask a mod" thread; however that thread is not to be used to attack/rant against specific moderators or about specific rules but more for questions/answers.

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