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New Graphics card

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I'm on a view for new graphics card but is unsure whether my PC will hold this I have a Dell XPS / Dimension XPS Gen 3 with Pentium ® whit Pci-Express 4CPU-3.40GHz-3.39GHz, 2.00GB RAMog and addapter at 460 W. pc is from 2004 and has a Radeon X800 XT (only shader 1.0) and works fine on Cod 4,Crysi.s When we bought this computer, we paid around 3000 so it was Beste at the time, but is unsure whether it is possible to buy a graphics card that can also run Arma 2, which requires Minimum system requirements:

Windows XP or Windows Vista

Dual Core CPU

nVidia GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon 1800

So it is possible to buy a graphics card to that Pc and run Arma 2 and not make the PC crashes? came up with suggestions on different cards, the best also ho can can fit my pc, Price is not the most important.

Tanks for all answers :)

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