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Editing an already map in [wip]

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Hey guys, just a question, ive noticed for example Icebreaker edits his

maps now and again, "LAND WISE" Im not on about trees etc, well I was

wondering as I want to expand some land to fit in with my port! and when

Id finished with what I wanted to do, Im not sure if this is right, but I

imported terrain from picture, it all was ok untill I did the rest! like import

satalite and mask! once I did this, it took soooooooooo long to actuly do

anything! just like "not responding" then it came up with an error screen

saying something like not enough memory! something like that.

My map is still cool, I didnt save it or anything, just kind of seeing if its ok

to do it, but seems not ...

Or am I doing it wrong?

Is there a certain way to do this? I even tried to export all the objects and

import them again to a mirror map but the same!

Any help please?


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I'm not sure to have understood your question. I'm changing land areas using patience and bulldozer raise terrain features. For larger areas i'm exporting map terrain, edit in wilbur/l3dt and re-import on the same map. If you don't change heights in other areas already populated it will works flawlessy. Whrn i'm changing vegetation, instead, i will delete all trees and recreate them. In some cases i've used a new worldtool feature that will remap my objects as i need without changing their positions (to keep road clear and work on already vegetated maps)

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I'm not sure to have understood your question. I'm changing land areas using patience and bulldozer raise terrain features. For larger areas i'm exporting map terrain, edit in wilbur/l3dt and re-import on the same map. If you don't change heights in other areas already populated it will works flawlessy. Whrn i'm changing vegetation, instead, i will delete all trees and recreate them. In some cases i've used a new worldtool feature that will remap my objects as i need without changing their positions (to keep road clear and work on already vegetated maps)

Really didnt think my English was that bad! lol... these days im getting alot of "dont understand your question" lol.

Sorry. :(

Anyway, everything is working fine! just when I re-edit the map in L3DT and then re-import it to visitor,

it comes up with an error about memory! and it takes ages also. Ive no idea why, and im not sure you can understand me right! sorry again.

Lets try simple way of saying:

1: ive got my map, working fine.

2: I want to make some changes to the land.

3: But, ive already got trees, items, objects etc placed on the map.

4: when ive edited the map in L3DT everything works ok.

5: Try to import it to visitor and it come up with an error "about memory"

something like that.

Now its better? hehe... thanks for your help Shezan.

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I've been forced to do this back-n-forth with my heightmap a bit - I try to avoid it whenever possible though, since as my islands progressed the time taken to re-import has increased from about an hour, to a pretty predictable 2hrs 10mins now...

Like Shezan says, for anything that'll take less than an hour to twitch-fix using the Visitor height controls, its usually better to just do it in Visitor - takes less time in the long run... for bigger jobs... well, re-import does work - usually... maybe freshboot the comp, run Visitor and hit import, then leave it totally alone until its done... mine goes all "not responding" and you'd swear its crashed, but it always seems to pull itself together eventually....

I'm pretty sure there was a bit of a discussion about this recently, wasn't there??

Hold on - I'll try search.....


Importing Terrain in the middle of work sounds promising... ;)


Edited by Bushlurker

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Anyway a load-save with wilbur sometimes fix troubles related to image bit depth that could cause troubles with textures/heightmaps

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