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Multiplayer "Harvest Red" forgets achievements?

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Sorry if this has been asked before, I searched the forum but didn't find anything.

I am currently playing Harvest Red Co-Op. Throughout the campaign (we're at "Bitter Chill") the game seems to "forget" certain achievements that we had before, like

- The fact that we captured Bardak in 'Razor Two'

- The fact that we didn't turn in the Priest at Gorka in 'Manhatten'

I am wondering whether this can lead to anything but the worst ending at all.

I should maybe mention that we're playing it via "Combined Operations", i.e. the Arrowhead binary.

Any idea whether this should work? And if it doesn't, is there any way to fix this? Thanks!

~~ Alwarren

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I've run into the same issue.

I played Harvest Red Co-op with a buddy awhile back (patch 1.04 and 1.05), and at first we couldn't make missions advance past Harvest Red. You'd hit continue, but no Razor Two.

To remedy this, I had to play through each mission past Harvest Red in singleplayer first, to unlock the next. Then we could play it in co-op.

It was fun at first, but quickly became a chore.

And yes, everytime we got to Bitter Chill, it seemed to totally ignore our previous campaign behavior.

(you're wondering why your SOL with NAPA, even though you've been a friend to them up until this point, I'd bet)

I never found a work-around.

I was hoping by this point, with all of the new content that BIS has been pouring out, old content like Harvest Red would at least be working properly.

I've convinced some buddies to pick up Combined Ops, and we were hoping to give Harvest Red another go-thru. We might be changing our plans if it's gonna be "same ol' problem" crap.

Is there anyone out there with some useful Co-op Harvest Red info?

Can this campaign be played properly co-operatively?

Or is it still a buggy, non-functioning mess?

Any help is appreciated. I've been trying to open my gaming clan's horizons a bit, but it tough to hold their interest when I have to keep making excuses as to why things don't work.......

Wouldn't advancement of the campaign fall under "basic game component", and at least warrant a look at if it's broken?

How is ArmA2 at 1.07, and the co-op is still all borked?

Please BIS....FIX THIS. While people are still playing your game.

Oh, and +1 for the original post.

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Just started replaying with some buddies...Arma2 stand alone, version 1.07.

Can confirm that when playing cooperatively, the campaign will not advance past the Harvest Red mission.

Using a campaign I opened singleplayer, me and my buddies played from beginning thru to One Week Later.

Everything worked great up until the end of Harvest Red.

Had to use my earlier (SP) unlocked campaign to play Razor Two.

Razor two went flawlessly (well, we missed one piece of evidence,

at the occupied Chedaki camp


which seems to have disappeared), and then after sucessfully

capturing Bardak


it wouldn't advance again.

Used the opened campaign again to advance to One Week Later, and it had no idea we

captured Bardak


even though I/we had accomplished this in both instances.

After a year on the market, it's disappointing to see this still not functioning.

BIS...are you out there?

Can this be repaired?

A great campaign...I'd love to share it with my friends, but they're not the Singleplayer type....:(

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